Chapter 51

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Luke's POV

Even though we would have games on random days I settled into a routine. We were at the rink most days and I got used to working on the bus to and from games and at the rink. I was standing on the ice in Flint when I noticed Mom sitting in the stands.

She was a couple of rows back from the ice and she was sitting with Chase and all three of his kids. I didn't know what to think of that and Mitch quickly noticed that I was distracted as we warmed up.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"My Mom is in the stands," I said.

"And?" he asked knowing there was more.

"I haven't talked to her in ages and I don't think that she has come to one of my hockey games in at least three years," I said slowly.

"Let's show her what she had been missing then," he smiled.

I nodded and we stopped talking about it as we finished warming up and focused on the game ahead of us. By the time that the game started I had mostly forgotten about Mom and Chase in the stands. We came out playing well and it didn't take long for us to score our first goal.

At first I didn't notice it but all the guys were feeding my passes and by the end of the first period I already had a hat trick. I looked at Mitch as we headed back into the locker room and he just smirked at me.

"What did you say to them?" I asked.

"I just mentioned that your Mom was here and that she hadn't seen you play in years and someone suggested that we do something about it," he smirked.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say to that. I couldn't believe that the guys had done that for me. I made of a point of telling the guys that I appreciated it but they didn't need to keep doing it. I still ended up with 6 goals in the game and we were all smiling afterwards.

I changed and headed out to find Mom, Chase and his three kids standing a little way down the hallway. It was dirty of them to bring the kids because there were things that I weren't going to say in front of them.

"Luke, that was so cool," Tom said.

I nodded and turned to face the two adults.

"How come you are here?" I asked.

"We wanted to see you play," Mom said.

"Why now? You haven't come to a game in years and now you decide to travel and come to a game?" I asked.

"I wanted to come see you. We all wanted to see you."

"You think that I want to see your new boyfriend here? This was my escape and I don't want to see any of you."

"You don't want to see me?" Tom asked.

I glared at Mom because I knew that this was going to happen.

"When you are older you can ask your Dad because I'm not explaining this," I said simply.

"Luke, I just want to talk with you. I just want you to come home," Mom said.

"Thanks to you I don't have a place to call home," I snapped.

Mom was about to say anything but some of my teammates came up from behind me and stood around me.

"Crosby, we have plans. Are you coming?" Mitch asked.

"We had plans?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, foooooooood," Ryan yelled.

I laughed at him and I nodded. I walked away from Mom and her new family.

"We will be at the game tomorrow if you want to talk," Mom called after me.

I didn't bother saying anything because I'm pretty sure that I really don't want to talk to her.

"Thanks for that," I said softly to my teammates.

They all smiled at me and I wrapped my arms around Noah and Ryan. We stopped talking about my parents and instead talking about other things. I didn't want to talk about it and the guys noticed that.

We headed to our usual place for dinner and I made sure to keep in the conversation so that I wasn't stuck in my own thoughts. I think that Mitch realised that as well because he made sure to keep talking to me.

We headed home not too late since we have another game tomorrow and Mitch pulled me aside.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

I gave him a half smile and nodded.

"I will be. I'll see you later," I said.

He nodded as well and I headed home. I talked to my billet parents for a while before heading to my room. Back in Pittsburgh the first person that I would have called would have been Brynn but she hadn't answered my calls in weeks and it wasn't worth trying anymore.

Instead I called Jamie and Alex because there were good to talk to and sensible. Luckily Jamie answered and we spent a few minutes just talking about my family. None of us really knew what to think about Mom because I was shocked that she was there.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know. I still want some space because there was so much that she hadn't hold me and I was still angry about that. I don't want to really talk to her yet," I said.

"Then tell her that," Alex said simply.

"I've tried but she doesn't seem to understand," I said.

I didn't want to talk about it much more and both of them noticed that so we started talking about other things. They told me all about what was going on in the rec league and how the team was going.

I found myself relaxing on the bed and found it easy to talk to them. I had talked to Justin and Dylan yesterday and I had found it just as easy to talk to them. I thought that it might be hard to stay in contact with my friends from Pittsburgh like it was every other time that I moved but the guys that I was playing with were really good at keeping in contact.

Except Brynn but that seems to be a different problem.


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The Wise One

Frozen in IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora