Chapter 29

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Luke's POV

I was really starting to get annoyed by Mark and Coach and it meant that I wasn't enjoying school hockey training. The games weren't as bad because I could mostly do my own thing and score points.

Justin and I were both hanging around after practice because it was nice to have someone to work with even if said someone was a defenseman. I was mostly working and he was feeding pucks to me as he talked.

I hummed in agreement when needed but I mostly focused on what I was doing. It took a while but Justin finally noticed that I wasn't listening.

"Are you thinking of moving to Egypt next?" he asked.

I hummed and he cracked up laughing. I slammed the last puck he had feed to me into the net and turned to face him.


"I asked you if you were morning to Egypt and you agreed with me," he said between laughs.

"Oops," I muttered not really that upset as he feed the next puck to me.

"You know that you really remind me of someone that I used to know," he said.

I started to hum the tune to someone that I used to know. He flicked a puck at me and I had to duck so that it didn't hit me in the head. I fake glared at him and we started laughing.

"Who do I remind you of?" I asked.

"There was a guy that used to be on the team. You are so similar, I should introduce you, he might still be here," he mused.

"Should we go see?" I asked.

He nodded and we headed off the ice together after collecting the pucks. We quickly showered and changed then I followed Justin out. I assumed that we were heading into the library and I was correct.

Justin scanned the people in the library and headed deep in the library and one of the smaller tables at the back.

"Justin, I haven't seen you for ages," the guy said.

He stood up and shook hands with Justin. I suddenly realised how tired I was so I took a seat and vaguely listened to Justin and the guy talk. He had short, dark hair and looked like a hockey player. It was just the way that he held himself.

"Dylan, this is Luke and he plays for the hockey team. He reminds me so much of you so I thought you should meet. Luke, this is Dylan," Justin introduced.

I smiled at him and we started to get to know each other a bit when Justin had to leave. He got a text from his parents saying he was needed home and so he left leaving me with Dylan. I didn't feel like leaving yet so I decided to hang around with Dylan.

"How come you aren't playing hockey anymore?" I asked.

"Mark didn't like me and neither did Coach so it made it hard to enjoy it anymore," I said simply.

"It's the same for me. I couldn't imagine stopping playing hockey though," I added.

"At the time neither could I but I realised that I was never going to go pro and it meant that I could focus my time doing other things," he said.

We continued to talk more and I realised how right Justin was. Dylan and I were so similar and we just seemed to click. He continued to work as we talked and I grabbed my own homework out.

I don't know what it was but I seemed to trust Dylan and I told him about what was going on at the moment. It was nice to have another person to talk to especially given how similar Dylan and I were. He could see the same things that I did and it was nice.

It started to get late and I knew that I had to leave but it was easy to talk to Dylan.

"I should probably go," I said slowly.

"So should I," he said as he started to pack up.

We exchanged numbers and agreed to talk more later. He had faced exactly the same thing that I was facing and he knew what I was getting annoyed at.

It wasn't a much longer walk to Jamie's place and I had pretty much moved into his guest room. I had most of my clothes here and all the things that I needed like my gear and stuff. I didn't have much homework to do and I had pretty much finished it as I talked to Dylan.

Instead I grabbed my laptop out and started to search. In a couple of minutes I managed to find a video of the team playing last year and I started to watch it. I could very quickly see why Dylan was getting annoyed.

He wasn't playing on the top line and he was a very skilled player. He deserved to be on the top line ahead of Mark. You could see how annoyed he was with the game and I could see that it got too much for him.

I shut the laptop and headed downstairs in search of food. Alex was just walking in the door and I smiled at him.

"How was your day?" I asked as I rummaged through the cupboards.

"Eh, not too bad. Is Jamie home yet?" he asked.

"No, I haven't seen him," I said.

I found rice and some vegetables so that I started making fried rice. Alex joined me in the kitchen and started to chop. We talked as we both worked and we were pretty much finished the door opened and Jamie came in.

He kissed Alex and grabbed one of the plates.

"How was your day?" Jamie asked me.

"Not too bad. I made a new friend so that was nice," I said softly.

"Not part of the hockey team I'm guessing," Alex smiled.

"Of course not."

I let Alex and Jamie talk as I continued to eat. Once I was finished I placed my plate in the dishwasher and headed into my room. I curled up on the bed with my laptop for the rest of the evening until I drifted off to sleep.


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The Wise One

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