Chapter 1

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"A women's true beauty is in her heart, her Iman, her taqwa and her love for the deen. So few men understand this but even fewer women do."


Writing writing writing.

A hijabi was sitting amidst  all non hijabis and striving hard to soon finish off her paper before the end of her exam. She glanced around to search for the examiner and her light brown eyes met with a stubborn gaze looking her way. The gaze piercing her soul with hate made her uncomfortable and this little exchange took her to the memories of past. She had fought with all her power to go against the teacher, who stood there, when he took every step to abandon the idea of hijab.

"You are here to study miss. Rida Rahman and not to promote your religious culture. There's no need to wear this weird thing when you are here to study." He snapped at her when she entered her class on the first day.
She felt embarrassed with the idea of being pointed out in a crowd and resisted the urge to run away from all the intense gaze, that fell on her in those couple of moment. She raised her head to look for a soul mate in that particular crowd and to her dismay, she found none. The idea of uncovering in front of her non mahrams was all that she needed, and as she closed her eyes thinking about her hairs dryly flying in front of them, her eyes flew open with a spark, which would not hesitate for a war with anyone who would come in between her and the creator.

"Sir I am not here to show off, I am indeed here to study keeping my religion culture with me unlike others." she spoke softly as she could, then she looked up and gazed the crowd with that line and continued saying "Indeed I cover my head, but I do not cover my brains so I don't think there would be any problem whilst I study." she declared and after analysing through the crowd sat beside a girl who looked descent unlike others.

"An hour left." said the examiner gazing his watch which snapped Rida out from her past collisions. And the fact that only an hour was left, which means she had only half an hour left to complete her exam, her heart beat escalated as if the world would come to an end if she wouldn't finish on time. She guzzled down some water from her bottle as her throat went dry with the thought of being late.

"Sir, an answer sheet." she raised her left hand and with her right, she was still busy writing until she felt a figure coming to her side and flapping a sheet over her desk.

And after that day she had fought with him, or every other teacher for her hijab. It wasn't easy for her to Grapple with stubborn people but they forgot that she was on war for the sake of her lord, the most Subtle, the most High.

She dismissed her thoughts and concentrated on her writing coz she had limited time to complete unlike others. After half an hour she was done with the exam and she turned her pages just to make sure that everything was at place. She was relaxed and nothing could make her happy than completing her exam at this speed because it was for Allah's sake. As she was going through her paper, she discovered something which made her sweat hastily. The solution was wrong, it took her twenty minutes to solve it and there was no way she had time to do it all over again.

It isn't all wrong, at least the examiner would give me half marks for this.
She thought to herself and shrugged the idea of correcting it. No wonder this exam was important but the thing she had to do was even more more important than this. She shrugged her thoughts and decided to follow through the path, which her heart treads. After grabbing the niqab kept beside her, she tied it in a hurry and after packing her things she wore her gloves which made her feel like a queen. Yeah people thought she was being oppressed but they didn't know she would be oppressed when some people around her, wouldn't allow her to practise her hijab. She rose from her place declaring to the examiner that she had finished her exam and handing over the sheet to him. The other people gasped and looked at her in astonishment while she smirked under her niqab because she didn't had to bear those intense gaze of everyone. Her niqab made her feel protected just like a baby is wrapped around protectively and held by her mother against all the evil eye.

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