Chapter 16

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"I hope we all give our kids a childhood they don't have to heal from."


A crowd where dealings were the main purpose of their daily life, there stood two women who were heavily loaded with shopping bags. One of the two knew how Allah hates this market place and she kept her tongue moist whenever her brain functioned in the right way and took it to the thoughts of her beloved Lord. Allah does not hate the market place because the market place includes buying and selling but because everyday people swear and give false oaths just because of trade. A believer can be everything except a liar and swearing while lying would be the most hateful act in the sight of our creator.

"Woe to those that deal in fraud,those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure.But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due." [83:1-3].

Allah’s believing servants are people who engage in buying and selling. However, they do not let their commerce distract them from the remembrance of Allah. There is harmony between the rights of this world and the rights of the Hereafter.

“And do not forget your share of the worldly life.” [Sûrah al-Qasas: 77].

Ayesha had offered her middle salah in the mosque located in the midst of the market place. How blessed would be that believer who had build this mosque where remembering Allah was so important, where reminding oneself with the admonishes was the need of the hour. And cherry on top of the cake was that the mosque had the women place. Market is the second home of women after all women and shopping are inseparable and so the need to have women place to pray in the mosque should be made mandatory.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The most beloved places on Earth to Allah are its mosques, and the most despised places on Earth to Allah are its markets.” [Sahîh Muslim].

"Astagfirullah Astagfirullah Astagfirullah." Ayesha murmured under her breath. She had the habit of starting with seeking forgiveness and then moving on to the next one when she was satisfied with the fact that she had asked enough forgiveness for her sins. A scholar once said that if there is a cloth which is dirty then the owner of the cloth will aim at cleansing the cloth or be keen at perfuming the cloth.

Obviously the former is executed first followed by the latter and so is the case of a believer who is also a sinner.

 “Truly, Allah loves those who repent, and He loves those who cleanse themselves.” (Quran, 2:222)

"Ayesha, see this." Nikita said pointing to a light brown coloured shawl.

"Yeah this one seems sober one and Ammi will like it in sha Allah." said Ayesha and indicated the shopkeeper to pack it.

"Nikita seriously this wasn't needed. We all love you the way you are, without any gifts. You've spent so much on these gifts."



"It's the tenth time you are telling me this. And I am replying you again. I love to give gifts especially to the people I love and in such a less number of days they have taken my heart. I don't have any family but after meeting your family, I don't use such words and it feels like yes I do have a family. So can't I just buy little gifts for them when they are going away taking a part of me. At least they'll remember me whenever they use my gifts."

"But they'll remember you even without gifts Nikita."

"That's all. I am not listening anything.  Let's go." said she while picking up the bag from the counter after the payment.

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