Chapter 31

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Assalamu alaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I hope this reaches you in the best of health and Iman. Before you begin to read the chapter, I've a request from you all. I am really not well and I don't remember when I was so much ill with my incurable disease. I've tons of pending work which makes me more tense. So please remember me in your sincere Duas, we never know whose dua would be answered by Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Jakakumullahu Khairan.


"One of the saddest thing is when two people really get to know each other and then they go back to being strangers."


She stood there accompanying her towel with a hope that she would be called the last time. The last minute hope served as a soothing factor but if it wasn't fulfilled, it would turn out to be the most destructive one, destroying the last ounce of patience left in one's soul. She twisted her head but she found none to stop her from taking her ghusl, which would be the last and final step of the divorce and which would separate her from her husband until they tie again into another bond, which seemed synonymous to the word impossible.

After slaughtering her last aspiration, closing her eyes and reciting her dua she stepped into the washroom with the left foot breathing her last to be the wife of Rehan.

The days flashed furiously just like it had just been an hour since then but the pain of those days felt like the entire life had been dipped in that agony. Indeed the most beloved person to a woman is her husband.

Wait the right foot she stepped out, beginning the new life, the thought of which had haunted her every night. She looked at the clock which indicated that she had ten minutes left to empty this room that was once hers. The bags were packed but few small things were still lying to be kept.

As soon as she looked at her bed to clean it up, she was tortured with a beautiful moment she had shared with him.

"I may not have found my name today but you'll always find it beside yours."

Rehan had said when she told him to find out his name written in her hand with henna and failed. The memories made her eyes teary but squeezing her tears out of the two sockets, she decided to be strong.

After cleaning up the bed, she decided to keep the little things she had left. Her make ups which was bought for the sole reason to please her husband, her slipper, her brush, her jewelleries. While packing her own jewelry and leaving the one that her in laws gave her, she came across one which made her heart ripped apart.

What's this?"

"Open up."

She opened up to find out a beautiful chain with a pendent of the alphabet R. She took it out from the box and adored it.

"It's beautiful."

"You like it?"

"Yeah very much. R for?"

"Rida and Rehan." said Rehan.

She abruptly closed the box keeping her hand on the chest because of shortness of breath. Why did he do this to her? Why did he made her such promises which were false? She had asked him hundreds of time to not feel guilty of what happened in the past because it was all the Qadr of Allah but he had refused to response everytime she approached him.

Madiha came in as Rida wore her abaya and greeted her with a forced smile.

"I will miss you bhabhi."

"I will miss you too." said Rida as she kept her hand on the girls cheek.

"I wanted you to keep this wall hanging with you which we made together. Remember this?" said Madiha.

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