Chapter 40

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"You are not like others and that's not just okay, it's beautiful."


For some the clock was running fast as a steed but as for some it was walking as if a turtle in the race.

Rida didn't want the time to run fast, she was sure to not marry Abdullah but her last dream forced her to have think about it. She had been having this dream often since Rehan divorced her until the truck hit her but it was the first time she had the continuation of that dream, and none other but Abdullah saved her from the mess that Rehan had put her in. She was confused if the dream was from Allah, but at the same time she didn't want to betray her best friend. She didn't want Sidra to feel that Rida had betrayed her and this was also the reason, she had been ignoring the proposal along with the fact that it was hard for her to move on. How do people so easily breakup and move on with another one when they were attached to the first one? She had never thought that 'DIVORCE', a seven letter word would be so weighty until she had herself gone through it. She had nodded her head like an obeying daughter when her father had asked her to meet Abdullah once.

On the other hand Abdullah checked her watch again, to him it felt like the clock needs to be repaired. It was late night and his body wasn't ready to be in a state of rest.

'What if I stammer and won't be able to answer her questions?'

'What if she's not satisfied with my answer?'

'What if she says no?'

He rubbed his temple and sat down from his sleeping position. Even though he didn't want to, but his brain took him to the thoughts which made him insecure. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Assalamu alaikum." he greeted.

"Walaikum assalam. Who is this?" came a voice from the other side.

"It's Abdullah. Didn't you check the caller ID?"

"Abdullah it's almost 2 o'clock. Is everything good?"

"Rehan." he called out and let out a breath before continuing "If this doesn't work out, then you need to take a step." there was silence from the other side.

"I hope this works out bruh. It isn't either easy for me to take that step, you know that." said Rehan.

"I know that but I am tensed."

"Just stay calm. And let me sleep, it's 2 am and my wife is staring at me with a weird look." Rehan chuckled.

"I hope she doesn't think that you are betraying her with me." said he and they both ended the call with a good hope for tomorrow.

Abdullah got up to pray and to ask Allah for what he wants because He, only He has all the power to fulfil his wishful desires. If the path is difficult, Allah will make it easier, if the path is wrong, Allah will make the wrong path connect to right one and if there seems to be no path, Allah will show you the map, the only thing that stand between you and your dreams is dua and with it Allah will make your life easier.

The next day arrived and the moment that he had dreamt of, was just a few seconds away. He was tapping his feet out of nervousness while waiting for her to come while her father was sitting on the other side to be witness over them.

"Assalamu alaikum." she greeted and he greeted back without lifting his head for even a second. He knew that his heart needs her and his gaze accompanies his heart, so he decided not to feed his desire for mere seconds but to satisfy it when she is her halal.

"You can start your question." he said and she lifted her gaze to see him while his gaze was stuck at one point of the ground.

"I have no questions. You can ask yours." said she looking away.

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