Chapter 42

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"You will never grow if you have to mourn every leaf that falls."


It had been three months since he was livings the days of his dreams, the dream which once was broken but the same broken pieces joined together to find a new way towards his dream and which was only possible by the will of Allah. Nobody said that this life would be easy but enduring the hardships with sabr and shukr surely makes it easy.

"Assalamu Alaikum." he greeted as his mother in law opened the door.

"Walaikum Assalam son." said the mother as he stepped into the house.

"Rida did not inform me that you are coming."

"Yes khala, actually I didn't inform her. My phone has gone for repair and so I am unable to contact her since few days and I was caught up with something so I couldn't come." informed Abdullah.

"Ohh anyways she's in her room." said she and went away indicating Abdullah to climb up to her room.

Abdullah knocked the door slightly and when he got no repsonse, he opened the door and walked in. He was quick to realise that she was fast asleep with a book, kept on her chest which indicated that she was trying to study but sleep overpowered her. He picked up the book and closed it keeping on the desk beside the bed. He smiled looking at her as she looked cute with messed up hair and a slightly opened mouth. He lightly pecked her forehead and sat back fondly looking at her constantly.

She slightly twitched after his kiss and said something in her sleep.

"Rehan, please don't leave me." her dream often came back with the horrors of past but the latter part had hopes of happiness which made her content every time she woke up.

"Rida." there was a knock on the door by her mother before Abdullah could response.

"Yes aunty." replied Abdullah as she came in.

"Rida is asleep? Why didn't you wake her up?" said the mother.

"No it's okay. I can wait for her to wake up. I have enough time today to spend it with her."

"Your uncle has called me and he wants the legal papers of the house actually and Rida has the authority to keep all the papers. Please do me a favour, check her cupboard, all the files and and papers would be at one place. I am coming in a while from the kitchen." said she before running away from the room, giving no other details of the prescribed paper.

Since it felt quite urgent, Abdullah opened her cupboard and started to struggle through it. He found nothing of similar kind except a box which could have all the files and papers. He opened it as fast as he could and found some random old papers and a small jewellery box in it. He picked one of the paper and opened it.

"You are beautiful the way you are." he mumbled while reading it and before he could pick up another one, he was interrupted.

"What are you doing?" Rida asked in a hoarse voice as she is woke up finding Abdullah in front of her and reading the notes of her ex husband.

"I've asked him to search for papers, your dad is asking for the legal papers of the house." said the mother as she came in with a spatula in her hand.

"Ohh it is in that drawer." said she as she stood up from her place and searched for the right one to hand over it to her mother.

"When you go along with Abdullah, please give these authorities to your Abba. I cannot handle these stuffs. Uff." she said while going out of the room and closing the door behind, leaving them in an awkward silence.

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