Chapter 13

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"When someone helps you and they are struggling too, that's not help that's love."


Autumn was in its full swing as Nikita walked down in her garden full of leaves scattered on the grass. Some leaves crunched as she crushed and walked past them. The dried leaves were parable to those who left this earth in their old age, the yellow ones were compared to those who couldn't touch their old age while the young green leaves were those little children who were called back at the age of their innocence. Alas! Death was the reality of life which no one could turn around or pass on to another, it cannot be delayed or stopped for a certain period of time, it will wrap you around and take you back to your creator at the time destined.

Nikita's thought wandered around Ayesha who was here just to fight back her mild depression which was starting to capture her into the darkness. Instead of holding back from Ayesha, Nikita had finally decided to be with her and pull her out of the deep roots that had caught her taking her into its darkness.

Two days before Ayesha had sneaked into her home with a sweet dish which she had baked. Nikita was amused with the way she had tried to avoid awkwardness in the air and still say sorry without even uttering the word itself. She had laughed hysterically at her with the way she had acted, throwing tantrums like a child when he needs something. Nikita usually didn't have such friends but she liked something about Ayesha.

As Nikita moved forward she saw Ayesha struggling with a boy child who looked to be six or seven years of age. He was throwing himself on the ground while Ayesha was trying to clutch him but failed to do so. Nikita ran towards them as she knew what were the symptoms of.


"Yeah. Please help me with him. He isn't really cooperating." Ayesha sighed.

Nikita dropped herself at his side and held his hand at once, giving comfort to his hairs with the other hand.

"Breathe in, breathe out." she said but the little bundle couldn't follow her.

"Ayesha just remove my scarf." said Nikita as she was still catching him calmly and he refused to understand.

As Ayesha removed her scarf, Nikita asked the boy to look at her and showed him the process of breathing. She continuously talked to the boy and after a while the little one calmed down, giving the girls a sigh of relief.

"Who is he?" turned Nikita to face Ayesha as she made sure that the kid was sleeping peacefully.

"He's Saif, my husband's friend's son. He is a surgeon and had to leave Saif here because he would be busy today and would not be able to look after Saif."

"What about his mother?"

"His mother died while conceiving him and his father brought him up all these years."

"Ohh okay. Is he under medication?"


"Hmm okay." Sighed Nikita as her question session was over.

"By the way, how did you handle him so easily? I was trying to do but couldn't handle his autistic meltdown." Asked Ayesha as she closed the door behind.

"Umm autistic children are so special. Whenever I find someone who stands alone in a population, I feel myself in them. They're struggling which the society hasn't gone through. Honestly no one can understand the other until they step in their shoes, it's only and only the one who is suffering knows the pain. Anyways I could handle him because I am a therapist by profession and I get to deal with many children like this." answered Nikita as they closed the door behind leaving the two kids to sleep.

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