Chapter 2

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"The most attractive thing about you should have less to do with your face or body and more to do with your heart and how you treat people."


The lightening and the thunder made the one standing in front of her lord, tremble with fear. It was a fine afternoon and she stood facing the qiblah, offering her Salah while there were two more naughty munchkins talking to each other.

"The shopkeeper uncle said that my specs will not break, it is very strong just like me." Isa said showing off his specs to Asmah.

"leally? Chow me." Asmah spoke surprisingly taking the specs from Isa's face in her hand.
She disappeared for a little while and then came back running with a hammer on her right hand while the specs on the other one.

Thak Thak Thak.
And before Rida could finish her Salah, Asmah finished the new specs of Isa.

"It is bloken. The chopkeeper lied." Asmah declared keeping the hands on her hips, curving her brows in seriousness.

"Ya Allah Asmah, come here." Rida gestured her to sit on her lap as she was still resting on the prayer mat.

Asmah threw the hammer and pieces nearby and ran with happiness to her khala and sat on her lap.

"Why did you broke Isa's specs?" Rida asked in a low tone while kissing the little ones forehead.

"The chopkeeper said it is strong as Itha. But Itha is not strong." Asmah exclaimed by moving her wrist round in the air and Rida couldn't suppress her giggle.

"Asmah." Hana entered along with Isa while face palming.

"Why did you break bhaiya's specs?" The mother questioned her daughter.

"The chokeeper lied, the specs was not strong." Asmah answered and ran away from the room hiding her evil smile.

The kids give her a hard time but not every other person has jannah lying underneath her feet except the mothers. Hana decided to spent the vacation in her father's house so she was here with her little family.

"Appi what unique thing did you eat when you were carrying her?" Rida interrogated while folding up her prayer mat.

"This girl gives me a hard time." Hana sighed and sat on the couch beside her.

"I love naughty kids." Rida stated while reclining on the same couch beside her sister.

"We'll see when you have one." Hana said looking from the corner of her eyes.
Only mothers know how much they struggle to bring up a child.

The winds were blowing violently and Hana mumbled some dua under her breath. Some people curse the wind without any knowledge. They do not know that it is forbidden to curse the wind because wind is one of Allah's creation and it does not blow or remain still or harm or benefit except by Allah's command, therefore vilifying it, amounts to vilifying him who sent it. Cursing wind may lead to the door of shirk and conflict with correct Tawheed.

On the authority of Ubayy Ibn Ka'ab (ra) it is reported that Allah's Messenger said:
"Do not malign the wind; if you see that which displeases you, say: "Oh, Allah ! We ask of You the good of this wind and the good that it is commanded to bring with it; and we seek refuge with You from the evil of this wind and the evil that it is commanded to bring with it." (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, who graded it authentic)

There was silence for few minutes and Rida engulfed her mind with the thoughts of her dream. She had been denying every other proposal that was approaching her. It isn't easy to decline a good proposal which delights ones parents but she was waiting for the right one to propose her after such a long journey of making it halal. Hana called her twice but she was still busy to answer.

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