Chapter 37

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"And some people enter the heart without any permission as though they have reserved their place within you a long time ago."


Abdullah was strong enough to take the decision of breaking off his engagement but when the time arrived for him to speak, he was clueless how to begin. He directly landed to Sidra's house and the house went chaotic on his approach. They had assumed that he is here to discuss about the date of the wedding.

"Abdullah have some biscuits."

"No, I am fine uncle."

"So what have you decided? We have no problem even if you want it in three or four months." said the father.

"Actually uncle." said Abdullah and stopped. How could he just call off the wedding on their face? They aren't prepared for it, HE isn't prepared for their reaction.

"Yes son?" the father asked softly.

Abdullah looked at him and then looked down, puzzled with his own thoughts. He was scared, he was scared not because they'd change their behaviour towards him but because he would hurt them.


What is wrong with you ya Abd. You're  not just here to reform the life of Rida but also Sidra's.

He could not give false hopes to someone. He knew that he would never be able to keep Sidra happy because his heart belonged to someone else. He wanted to control his heart and somehow he kept doing untill now, but now when he had met Rehan and known everything, his heart went back to its own place, the place where it naturally belonged to, the place where it should be. He could lie no more to his heart, he could hurt his heart no more.

"Actually I want Sidra to be here, I want to talk something important." said Abdullah as he fixed his gaze down on earth.

Every single minute passed by and with that the rate of his heartbeat increased. Never did he, in his life hurt someone. He had always been a soft spoken person, he had always taken care of others emotions.

Sometimes in life we hurt people, intentionally or unintentionally but what is more important after this is realisation. We humans are fallible, we err, we make mistakes, we hurt people but after the loss if we do not realise that it was our mistake then the mistake is really blameworthy one.

"Sidra is here."

Everyone looked at Abdullah to spill the beans while Abdullah was ashamed of himself, he was ashamed to look into the eyes of anyone there.

"I am sorry for this but I cannot marry Sidra."

"What?" everyone in the house exasperated. Ali stood up and held his collars while making him stand with a jerk. He tightened his fist to punch on Abdullah's face but the father stopped him from doing so.

"Did we do any mistake?" asked the father.

"No uncle."

"Why?" Sidra asked withholding her inner turmoil to be exposed in front of her family through her eyes. Abdullah looked at her and then looked away, not willing to answer the imposed question.

"I want to marry someone else." he replied.

"Then why did you get engaged to me in the first place?" Sidra questioned with a crooked voice.

"I am sorry, back then the circumstances were different."

"Who is the girl?" asked she and the answer for this was a couple of silent minutes.

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