Chapter 26

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"Instead of desperately trying to get your pain to go away, listen to what your pain is desperately trying to reveal."


Going through the cupboard of her mother, she snuggled her clothes up to her chest while smelling the scent. Nikita had been sitting since a while in her mother's room and going through her cupboard just to bring back the memories which were lost from her mind since days.

She pulled out a bottle of perfume she had gifted her mother last time and the liquid inside it which fragranced like her mother still existed in it but her mother didn't. Nikita pushed her thumb in to smell the perfume that her mother used in her last days.

"Ahh how do you know my taste every time you gift me on my birthdays?"

"Because you are the world to me."

With tears flowing through her eyes, she hugged the perfume that her mother loved on her last birthday.

Her eyes caught the glimpse of the jewellery box that her mother had prepared for her marriage.

"Mom I don't need these things, why do you end up buying a jewellery for me everytime when we have extra fund?"

"That's because I am the only one responsible to give your hand to your beloved groom. Sometimes I think I shouldn't have done what I did."

"What is it?"

"Can you answer me something?"


"What if your father comes all of a sudden? Will you forgive him?"

"He would have had the best daughter but he has the worst one because he had done the most hateful thing in my sight and that is, made my mother cry."

Nikita looked at the jewelleries and ran her hand through them which were untouched by her mother. Never did she use them but kept for Nikita instead.

The tired eyes of Nikita had wept enough and she started keeping away the things back to her mother's cupboard when few of her clothes mistakenly dropped down the floor. She picked them up and the floor attracted towards it, a diary which fell off from between the clothes. Nikita picked it up and it turned out to be her mother's diary which she never witnessed.

'Mom used to write?'

She opened the first page of her diary and started reading it.

Writing was never my cup of tea. If you think that I am a writer then know that I am not. The circumstances has made me a temporary one though.

Nikita felt like her mother was talking to her directly answering the question that she was just clueless about.

Sometimes in life you will face consequences which would put you in delimma. Those circumstances which would eat you from within and you would think that it was better you died before facing those but remember you are put in a situation to come out as a warrior and not a coward. Remember to take descisions what your heart desires and not what the entire world says, not even me.

Don't be like me, taking wrong decisions in life and then regretting the entire life regarding it. Yes the decisions I've taken did eat me up and returned to me in the form of this disease. Those decisions kept haunting me every single night and I've never slept peacefully since then. Yes, may be you are guessing it right, it is regarding your father.

He and I were in love with each other. He never betrayed me, it was me who had betrayed him. We were a happy living family and we would have been one if I didn't do what I did. He accepted Islam, but it wasn't his sole decision, infact we decided together to do so.

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