Chapter 20

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"May your character preach more loudly than your words."


"It's obviously a yes."

"Reasons?" Rida inquired.

"Whatever questionnaire you made was perfect and he answered them all correctly Alhamdulillah and there's one more reason."


"Everytime I looked at him, his gaze was focussed at the ground and not me. I mean a person's gaze speaks a lot about that person's character as you know it's so hard for men to lower their gaze."

Lowering gaze is one of the important etiquettes of Islam. Our eyes are the guide of our heart and thus our eyes wander in the search of the beauty that satisfies the heart. Whoever lets his eyes roam freely without following the orders of Allah, detains his heart to the chains of his own desires. The eyes keep on being exposed to the toxicity which thus becomes dearer to him as to be his master. The slave starts worshipping things just because of the first glance he wasn't in a state to control. The master becomes the slave just because the heart didn't love Allah and so the love wandered around the Haram which Allah has prohibited us from. And so whoever has lowered his gaze has tasted the sweetness of Iman.

Between the eyes and the heart there is a connection which means that the one is affected by the other, and if one of them becomes good, the other will also become good, and if one becomes corrupt the other will become corrupt. If the heart becomes corrupt the gaze will become corrupt, and if the gaze become corrupt the heart will become corrupt, and similarly if one is sound the other will also be sound.
[Ibn Al Qayyim]

"Yes Alhamdulillah, he is a good man." Rida gave her opinion.

"How do you know?"

"I mean he looks like a good man as you have told me."


"I can't wait to hear his opinion ya Rabbi. I am already swaying away by his lowered gaze. Please pray for me, please do. Pray that he says yes and we set a beautiful journey together till Jannah in sha Allah."


"Please eat on time and also go to the doctor regularly." said Ayesha's mother from the other side of the video call.

"Yes in sha Allah ammi." said Ayesha.

"Ammi you need not worry about her, Ahmad bhai is there to take care of her. He cares about her more than we can." said Abdullah sitting beside his mother while holding the mobile so that they can see each other.

"Yeah we know that Abdullah, now tell us what we do not know." said Ayesha.

"What should I tell?"

"What are planning to give as an answer? Yes or yes?" she inquired wiggling her eyebrow.

"Huh? Your options aren't satisfying me."

"Don't tell me your answer is no? That's not even in the option." asked Ayesha.

"Let's not talk about it right now. How are my kids by the way?" Abdullah asked as he tried to change the topic.

"Is my brother shy of accepting the truth?" Ayesha teased.

"Ayesha when will you grow up? Leave my child alone." said their mother and Abdullah kept his head on the shoulder of his mother out of love.

"Ammi loves me more." said Abdullah as he lolled his tongue out at Ayesha.

"Excuse me? She loves me more because I am the only daughter." said Ayesha by sticking her tongue back at him.

"She loves me more because I am her youngest child."

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