Chapter 11

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"When you feel you've lost everything, remind yourself that you haven't lost Allah."


As the lamps struggled to glow in the darkness, a torn soul sat there still, to struggle against the tornado of sadness. Staring at the crumbled piece of paper millionth time, he sighed. Everyone in the world knew what he was going through although this was the last thing he wanted to happen. The souls who struggle through the darkest of night without enlightening the world are no doubt to be given the title of true warriors.

"And you do not know Abdullah but Allah knows." he repeated the verses to himself sitting alone in the darkness while swinging in the garden. No matter how old you get, the swing in the garden always had the power to lighten the mood.

Abdullah stared at the paper once again which was hit directly to his skull from one of the windows of Rida's house which had a blot of some words written on it hurriedly.

"And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you..."

"And Allah know but you do not know." Abdullah completed the missing part of the ayah which Rida had jotted down for him. He was thankful to her for the reminder but over thinking does leave people depressed.

"What's up bro?" Ahmish came by and sat along Abdullah on the swing.

"Nothing just a quality time alone." said Abdullah and Ahmish raised an eyebrow to that. Abdullah had always been fun loving and his quality time meant to be surrounded by people.

"I see."

"Why don't you give a visit to Ayesha for sometime? You'll feel good." Ahmish said after a couple of silence which fell between the two.

"Like I don't have any other thing to do here. I have my job and then I can't even leave my classes." Abdullah replied.

"You can take leave. Anyways I came here to talk to you about something."

"About what?"

"Umm about my life and yours."

"Go on then. I am listening." Abdullah said as he folded back the paper and kept in his side pocket.

"You know I loved Shirana right?"

"Yeah how can we forget that Mr Romeo." Abdullah smirked at his name which was given to Ahmish by his siblings.

"And you remember how she was engaged to someone else and I nearly had lost her but Allah gave me something in return."

"Yeah man, you got your Juliet back."

"No I am talking about something else, before he gave me Shirana there was something which I obtained."

"And what was it?" Abdullah asked curiously looking at him.

"Sabr. Allah gave me sabr to overcome the disasters of my life. I was going through the rollercoaster of emotions but then I realised that I am being sad for something which Allah didn't want me to have, Allah didn't decree it for me. It was me who was weak and had expected in life something which wasn't good for me because Allah knows and I do not know about the future. It may be that I was loving a thing that wasn't good for me in the future which also includes my afterlife. You need to note down that sometimes we want something with much intensity and we forcefully obtain it while we are equally happy in this life with it but who takes the guarantee that it'll be beneficial for us in the Hereafter too? It is Allah who gives us with what we want when we are not aware about the need because it is not just our need of this life but the Hereafter. Allah says in the Qur'an in surah 'Ala "But you prefer the worldly life while the Hereafter is better and more enduring." And when I was entirely content with what Allah has decreed for me, Allah brought back Shirana to me. Now when I think about those events I realise that Shirana was decreed for me by Allah even before I was born or even when this universe was created but Allah was testing me. Had I been arrogant and boastful towards the plan of Allah, may be I would have lost the battle even after winning Shirana."

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