Chapter 44

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"The company of good people always bring goodness."


Three days and she had been a mess, she couldn't decide if she was better before her meeting with Rehan or after it. Abdullah had not showed his appearance niether by his physical presence nor by his verbal presence through phone. Sometimes she was depressed thinking about the past and sometimes she had anxiety when she thought how would Abdullah react with her. Was he upset with her and so he wasn't communicating with her? Or was he so mad at her that he preferred to keep quiet.

She came out of her room when she heard the kids playing. Khadijah was amongst them which lit her face up. It was usually Abdullah who brought these kids here and so she ran down the stairs to get his one glimpse, to acknowledge that he was still on her side. She hurriedly went into the drawing room, her eyes searching his eyes.

"Assalamu Alaikum." Ayesha greeted while she was sitting long with Hana on the couch.

Rida greeted back with eyes still lingering around the corners of the room.

"Are you searching for Abdullah?" Ayesha teased while Rida nervously looked at Ayesha and blushed.

Rida said nothing but came forward and joined to their company.

"I have Abdullah with me." said Ayesha as she drowned her hand into the depths of her bag to find something.

What? Abdullah is in the bag.
Rida secretly laughed at her thought.

"Here it is." Ayesha took out her hand with a small box and an envelope.

"What's this." Rida asked while taking it over from her hand.

"Abdullah has sent it for you." Ayesha winked at her.
Rida was struggling with her patience right now. Her desire encouraged her to open it right away but her manners didn't allow her to. She was supposed to sit in the company of her sister in law.

"Rida, who does Daniya look like?" asked Hana while holding the baby of Ayesha.

"Umm" Rida thought for a while to interrogate her and then said "more like Ahmad bhai."

"See I told you." Hana said to Ayesha.

"But everyone tells me that she's more like me." Ayesha replied.

"Hmm I think her eyes are like yours and rest everything is like her father." said Hana looking at her.

"Really?... Wait." she said and turned towards Rida to speak "Rida you really don't need to do any formality. Just go and see what your husband has sent to you. Go.. Go.." she said pushing her away from her place.

Rida said nothing except blushing and went right away to her room. She was right now thankful to Ayesha for this. She hurriedly opened the small box and found an elegant ring in it. The ring had one American diamond fixed with it. She wore it quickly and it perfectly fit her ring finger as if it was exclusively made for her.

She tore the envelope and pulled out the paper in it. The initial words were "To my dearest wifey." she smiled reading it. Before reading further, she adjusted herself to sit comfortably leaning on the bed pillow and then read further.

"I hope this reaches you in the best of Iman and health.

I know you must be battling with your life right now and I am sorry that I am not there for you. My bad. I couldn't inform you about my new job because you were already preoccupied with something or the other, I once came home to tell you but I couldn't because back then the time wasn't right. My phone is dead and I am not in this city anymore. Will tell you in detail when I come back in sha Allah.

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