Chapter 12 - "Edward Cullen knockoff."

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~ Lost Girls ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

I spun around in my desk chair, my head laying back as I stared at the spinning ceiling. It's only been an hour since I got grounded and I'm already dying of boredom.

Why couldn't I have just stayed home and read the journals? Because I'm an idiot, that's why. If I had stayed home, I wouldn't have confronted Stefan, and I wouldn't be grounded.

I stood up from my chair, trying not to stumble from the dizziness. I looked around my room, trying to find something I could do to pass the time.

I could read, but I am not in the mood to read those stupid journals. If we're being technical, they got me in trouble. I could watch TV.  I could do something on the computer. I could draw.

Walking over to my nightstand, I sighed and pulled out my sketchbook. I walked back over to my desk and sitting down on the chair. I sat the sketchbook down flipping to a blank page.

I may not be as good of an artist as Jeremy, but I'd like to say I was decent. Jeremy was into drawing weird, monster type things. I liked to draw people. Jeremy was actually the one that made me want to start drawing. For some reason, his drawings-- as weird as they may be-- inspired me.

I didn't draw a lot, I really only drawled when I was overwhelmed. Now is definitely a time I am overwhelmed.

I pulled out a pencil, bringing it down to the page, letting my hand guide me.

  I'm not sure how long it had been since I started drawing. But I knew it was long enough for my hand to start cramping up.

"Veronica, you okay?" I heard my dad's voice at my locked door after he knocked.

Being broken out of my drawing trance, I looked towards the door. It was so far away. I scrunched up my nose in annoyance. I really didn't want to get up. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said a bit loudly so he would hear. Man, I am one lazy motherfucker.

I heard a faint sigh. I could imagine him leaning against the door frame, rubbing his temples. "I got called back into work. This time, please watch your brother."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I will. It's not like I can go anywhere anyway." I said, hoping he could hear the annoyance in my voice.

Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he rolled his eyes. "Just watch your brother, Ronnie."

I turned back towards my desk. "Fine, whatever." I say, looking down at the drawing. It was a man. I didn't recognize the person at all. He had dark blond hair and dark blue-green eyes. Admittedly, he was very handsome. And until now, I didn't even realize that I had penciled in color.

My brows furrowed, studying the drawing for a few moments. I racked my brain, trying to find any memory of seeing this man, but I came up with nothing. I sighed as I closed my sketchbook. Drawing an unknown man was the least of my worries.

I pursed my lips, looking at mom's journal that laid on my bed. I bit the side of my lip, tapping my finger against the armrest of my desk chair. I rolled my eyes at myself, standing up from the chair and moving towards my bed. I sat down on the soft mattress, looking at the journal, contemplating if I should read it or not. Without a second thought, I picked up the old leather journal, searching for the date after March 25, 1984.

The next entry was a few days later. I crossed my legs as I started to read.

"March 29, 1984.
Dear Journal,
There's been no trace of the monsters yet. After I found out their names, I tried to do more digging, but it's just like they disappeared--"

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