Chapter 44 -"I trusted you... and you betrayed me."

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~ Founder's Day ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

"Ronnie, please explain to me what I just heard, 'cause I'm freaking out here." Bash said, pulling me to the side after Stefan finally stopped groaning.

My shoulders slumped a bit as I realized I had accidentally exposed an innocent person to this world. I looked at him sadly, knowing after he found out the truth, he would never be the same again. I wasn't. Bonnie wasn't. Elena wasn't. Anyone who knows about this world changes, and usually it wasn't for the better. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, Bonnie shut herself away from us all, and Elena is dating a 164-year-old vampire who she'll never have a real life with. "Bash, it doesn't matter what I tell you now. I'm just going to have someone make you forget. You don't deserve this."

"What I don't deserve is you brushing this off like it's not a big deal!" He whispered to me angrily, taking a step towards me. I saw Alaric look over at us cautiously, probably thinking the step Bash took was menacing. But I knew Bash wouldn't hurt me, he was about as menacing as a teddy bear. "First Stefan collapses, then our history teacher is helping us, and then you're saying that the police are rounding up vampires. Do you know how crazy that sounds?" Bash swings his arms around as if extreme hand motions would get his point across.

I rubbed my head, "Fine. You wanna know the truth? Vampires are real. And so are witches. All the stories you heard as a kid are true. Monsters that go bump in the night aren't just a figment of your imagination. And I hate to break it to you, Sebastian, but this town is crawling with monsters right now. So the fact that you know this right now, just dropped your survival rate from 95 percent to 35 percent, because anyone who knows about this world is automatically a target. That's why after all of this is over, you will forget because I will not be responsible for your death."

He was silent for a moment, and I thought he believed me, at least, until he spoke. "Do. You. Hear. Yourself, Ronnie?" He paused between each word. "Witches and vampires? What, are all of you on drugs?" He turned away from me and towards Stefan and Elena, making me wonder where Alaric went.

Elena stood up from her crouching position next to her boyfriend, taking a few steps towards the angry boy. "Sebastian... she's not lying."

"I never pegged you for a liar, Elena." Bash shook his head, almost making me snort. Elena was the biggest liar out of all of us.

"They're not lying, Bash. Vampires are real." Stefan looked up at my friend. "You're looking at one."

The black veins that crawled out underneath Stefan's eyes, which turned blood red. Sebastian stumble back and I tried to reach out for him, but he backed away from my touch like I was fire. "Are all of you vampires?" He tried to hold a strong front, but I could see the fear in his eyes.

"What? No. Stefan is the only vampire here." I shook my head, wishing I could ask Stefan to just compel Bash to forget right now, but he was too weak. Even if Stefan didn't just go through that pain that weakened him, he still wouldn't be able to compel Bash properly. He wasn't strong enough to do that on animal blood. "Look, Bash, you don't need to be afraid of him. He won't hurt you."

"He's a friggin' vampire, Ronnie. I'm not afraid-- I'm terrified." Bash snapped.

"I was afraid of him at first, too. Hell, when I found out, I stabbed him with a pen. But as I got to know him, I realized that there is a distinction between good and bad vampires. He's one of the good ones." I gave Stefan a small smile. Even though Stefan had a terrible past, he still wasn't a bad person, at least, not anymore. It took me a long time to figure that out.

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