Chapter 20 - "Thank you."

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~ The Turning Point ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

At first, I couldn't feel it. If it wasn't for my blood coated hands, I wouldn't have known I was shot. I turned towards Damon, who was just staring at me in shock. I took two steps forwards before I fell to the ground. My shoulder hit the ground first and that hurt more than the bullet that was currently in my stomach. My vision was starting to become distorted and I started to feel a burning sensation in my stomach. It felt like I had been hit with a baseball bat.

My blinking became slow and my eyelids were covering halfway shut. I could faintly see Damon pulling the bullets out of his own body, but I couldn't focus. When I saw the puddle of blood I was laying in, the panic grew. I was starting to come out of the shock, actually realizing I was shot. And when the shock faded away, the pain took its place.

It was like I was getting hit by a bus repeatedly. But not even that could measure up to the pain I was feeling. I felt like I couldn't move, like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to die.

I could feel Damon's hands on my shoulders as he rolled me over onto my back. I groaned loudly, my eyes were now wide open, them starting to water. I don't know how I haven't started crying yet. I cry when I stub my toe, this should make me sob. But I just couldn't.

Damon was on his knees next to me, looking at me in shock and panic. At first, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I figured Damon would've just left me to die. Or worse, just finish me off by sucking my blood.

I saw his lips move, but I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear, I couldn't think. All I could focus on was the pain. It was like it consumed my whole body. I saw his hands travel to my abdomen, and at first I was confused, but when his fingers tried to dig the bullet out, I couldn't stop screaming.

If I thought the pain before was bad, this was excruciating. The tears finally started roll down my cheeks and I could feel my fast heartbeat pumping through my ears. I prayed to whatever God was out there, praying that I would pass out. I wanted to pass out so badly, anything to end this pain. If it was my time to go, I wish the process would speed up.

Damon was now right above my head, I could see him bite into his wrist before bringing it to my mouth. The metallic taste filled my mouth, I couldn't complain about how awful it tasted. I was just glad that I wasn't going to die. It seems as if I am afraid of death.

It was like I could feel the bullet hole closing. Even though I knew I was healing, I was still terrified that this was all a dream and I was really dead. I felt dead.

Slowly, my vision and hearing came back. Though, there still was a slight ringing in my ears.

The vampire in front of me grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. He looked almost relieved that I was breathing and conscious. "Thought I lost you there for a second, Ronnie." He took his hands off my face and considering his hands were covered in blood, I assumed the blood was now on my face. But I couldn't care less.

He put his arms under my legs and head, lifting me up bridal style. I could feel one of my arms swinging back and forth, but I didn't have enough energy to stop it. When we got to the door of the warehouse, Damon pushed it open with his foot.

"Damon?" My voice was low and scratchy.

He looked down at me with a curious stare. The vampire didn't say anything, he just waited for me to continue. I could feel myself becoming more tired by the second, so I knew I had to say what I had to before I passed out.

"Thank you."


Third POV

"Logan Fell's a vampire." Damon spoke into the phone as he stood in front of a mirror. "And when I find him again, I am gonna destroy him limb by limb."

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