Chapter 39 - "I would definitely support your homewrecker ways."

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~ Blood Brothers ~ Part One ~

Ronnie's POV

"Any plans for today?" I raised my brows at my parents sitting at the kitchen table, who were surprisingly acting civil towards one another. Since Molly's been back, the fighting between the two has died down to every few days instead of every day. It wouldn't seem like an improvement to the outside person, but to Luke and me, it was definitely getting better.

My father simply told me he had work, but of course, my mother-- ever the attention stealer-- went into a full-blown explanation about what she was going to do every minute of today. Dad and I shared an annoyed look like we always do when Molly is around. "... So, I need you to watch Luke and his friend today."

I looked up at her, giving her a confused look as I said what I always say when I hear my little brother has friends. "Luke has friends?"

Molly closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in before opening them once again, plastering a visibly fake smile on her face. "Yes, Veronica, your brother has friends."

"And I have to watch little brats? Seriously? Why does no one ever give me a heads up with these things? What if I had plans today, you she-devil?" I narrowed my eyes, grabbing the cereal and a bowl from the counter. I sulkily started making my breakfast while my mother gave me a glare.

"And, that's my cue to go." Dad grunted as he stood up from his chair. "See you ladies tonight." He said as he started walking out the kitchen.

"Don't forget we're going out tonight!" Molly yelled after him.

"Trust me, Molly. I will not forget with you constantly reminding me." He yelled back just before we heard the front door slam shut.

"Date night or something?" I asked with my mouth full of cereal.

The look of disgust on her face directed towards me didn't surprise me. "Yes. Now, I have things to do. Your brother's friend should be here in," She looked down at the watch on her wrist. "10 minutes, maybe. Watch them, please. I don't need another murder on my hands."

I pursed my lips, watching as she walked past me. "That's not a comforting thought."

"I'll see you tonight. And thank you for watching your brother." She gave me a forced smile, awkwardly patting my shoulder. Grabbing her purse from the counter, she hurriedly left.

I'm not sure why my mother has this sudden urge to mend old wounds and act like a mother, finally, but it's not sitting well with me. It feels like there's a hat that's about to drop. Perhaps she's acting nice because the next time she leaves, she won't come back. Or maybe Damon compelled her. Neither seems that convincing so I'm at a loss as to why she's acting friendly. She's even nicer to me during our training lessons. No more calling me a failure and criticizing my every move.

Just like my mother had said, ten minutes later the doorbell rang twice. I put my now empty bowl in the sink before making my way to the front door. "Lucas! Your friend is here!" I yelled, grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. I was surprised to see Sebastian and his younger sister standing there, both had smiles on their faces. "Hello."

Luke came down the stairs, his footsteps sounding like a giant was running. "Hey, Posie!" He exclaimed, coming to stand next to my side. He nodded his head towards the stairs he had just run down, "Let's go upstairs."

They both rushed past me, jogging up the stairs. "Lucas, door open!" I loudly demanded.

"I'm ten, Ronnie. Not gonna do anything." He replied, not stopping to look at me. They were both gone from my view after that, making me turn back towards my friend.

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