Chapter 13 - "You should call the Ghostbusters."

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~ Haunted ~ Part One ~

Third POV


"Now that's no way to greet your mother, is it?"

Ronnie's eyes widened. "Mom?"

"The one and only."

"How-- what-- are you okay?" She started to stutter over her words.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I thought you were dead!" As Ronnie said this, her voice came out louder than she had expected.

"Now why would you think that?" Mama Tate's voice gave nothing away of what she was feeling.

Listening to her mother, Ronnie's eyes narrowed at the wall she was staring at. "What game are you playing here?"

"Ronnie, I'm not playing any game." She sighed.

"Well, I think you are. Why would you send me those journals?" The Tate girl paused, before continuing. "Better yet, why would you say that if I got them, you were dead?"

There was rustling in the background, along with a couple of voices. Next thing Ronnie knew, the dial tone was ringing in her ears. She scoffed, bringing the phone away from her ear and throwing it onto the bed.

Trying to process what had just happened, Ronnie brought her hands up to her head, pushing the hair out of her face. The young girl started chewing on her lip as her hands fell to her side. She then started to think that she should tell her dad about everything. Maybe something was wrong with Molly? Maybe she was in trouble and sent the journals as a hint? Ronnie couldn't help but wonder all the possibilities.

On the other hand, Molly did tell her not to tell Anthony no matter what. That was her specific request. But how could her mother put that weight on her daughter? Knowing that her mom was either dead or missing while her dad and brother know nothing? She was starting to think that maybe Molly was playing some sick game. Molly always did love games.

The "What If's" were endless.

As she sat there, going over everything in her head, a thought popped into her head. Molly said not to tell her dad about the journals, but she didn't say anything about not telling Anthony about the phone call. If she told her dad about the phone call, maybe he could trace it and find where her mother was. Ronnie immediately shook her head to herself. Her mom was too smart to use a traceable phone. But it couldn't hurt to tell her dad. He might not be able to do anything about finding Molly, but maybe he would have peace of mind with knowing his wife was still alive somewhere.

After long contemplation, Ronnie finally walked towards her bedroom door. It was a door hitting her head that broke her out of her own little world. "Ow! Lucas!" The oldest Tate child yelled, her hands coming up to her forehead, where a big bump was already forming. "What the hell?!"

Lucas winced, making a hissing noise as he looked at his older sister. "Yikes, that's got to hurt. You should watch where you're going next time." He realized his choice of words weren't the best when he got a death glare from her. His eyes widened, whirling around and running back to his room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Rubbing her head, Ronnie let out a groan. She winced, pulling her hand away as if she had touched scalding hot water. She let out an angry breath, walking out of her room and heading down the stairs. She made a Beeline to her dad's office, briefly knocking before letting herself in.

The oldest Tate looked up from some case files he was studying, greeting his daughter with a smile. He had to take a double look when he saw the bump on her head. He started grinning, trying to hold in a laugh.

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