Chapter 46 - "What the hell is a swamp donkey?"

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~ The Return ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked Caroline, grabbing the remote control from the table next to her hospital bed. I started flipping through the channels, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians?" I raised a brow, looking back over to her and hoping she would say no. I only asked cause I knew how much she loved reality TV.

She cringed, "Pass. See if Jersey Shore is on."

It was my turn to cringe, never having been fond of the show. "Okay, Snooki," I mumbled, trying to find the channel it would be on. "So how are you feeling today?" I asked distractedly, finally stopping on the channel when I saw the overly tan characters on the show.

"Great. Still a little sore, though." She replied happily as she saw the show playing.

I smiled at her, sitting the remote back on the table. "I'm glad, Care. You really had me worried."

"Ronnie Tate, worried about lil' ole' me?" Caroline wiggled her brows suggestively, earning a chuckle from me.

"Of course, wifey."

"I thought I was your wife." I heard a new voice from the door.

"No, remember, Bonnie, we got a divorce at the beginning of sophomore year because I had a crush on you-know-you." I told the newest addition to the conversation, watching as Matt raised a brow from behind her. He's never understood the ongoing joke of us being married. "Caroline's my new wife as of right now." I smirked, winking playfully at the blonde.

Caroline smiled widely at the sight of Bonnie, sitting up from her position. "I can be everyone's wife."

"I don't like sharing." I chimed in, watching as Bonnie rushed towards the girl, bringing her into a tight hug.

"Ooh, careful! I'm still a little sore." Caroline winced as Bonnie back away from the hug.


"It's okay. But they say I'm healing really quick now." She reassured our worried friend.

"My turn." Matt said, walking up to the side of the bed and pulling his girlfriend into a gentle kiss.

"Ugh, affection. How revolting." I pretended to vomit, breaking up their kiss.

"Isn't he cute?" Caroline asked, knowing how it would disgust me. She looked over at Bonnie, who was nodding her head with teary eyes. "Why are you crying?" She asked in concern.

I stood up from my seat, walking over to the side of the bed Bonnie was standing at. "Aw, Bon, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone who will at least tolerate you. You won't be a swamp donkey forever." I joked, knowing Bonnie was the exact opposite of a swamp donkey.

"Swamp donkey?" Matt mumbled in confusion.

"I'm just happy you're okay." Bonnie answered Caroline's previous question.

"Well, I love you guys!" Caroline grinned.

"We love you."

"Ronnie, what the hell is a swamp donkey?" Matt chimed in, still in a confused state about the saying I had used.

I let out a laugh, "Your mom."

"Should I be offended?"

I nodded while Caroline shook her head. "Um, Ronnie's just being an idiot." She said, knowing what the saying meant as I had said it to her before and forced her to look it up. It basically just means an unattractive woman.

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