Chapter 27 - "How we gonna skedaddle-skedoodle our way outta this one?"

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~ Fool Me Once ~ Part One ~

Ronnie's POV

My eyes slowly opened to see a barely lit bathroom. I furrowed my brows, not sure where I was. The last thing I remember was walking up to my front door, takeout in hand before someone came up behind me. I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to make the world hate me so much. Did I open an umbrella inside or something? Because I am having shit luck. I've almost died three times, my mom is back and bitchier than ever, and now I've been kidnapped. Maybe this is karma for helping Damon after swearing to kill him.

Now that I think about it, my behavior towards Damon Salvatore has been very whishy-washy lately. One minute I would despise him and want to kill him, the next I was going against my best friends for him. It made me want to slap myself and tell me to choose what I think about him.

I brought my hand up to my head, feeling my stitches ripped open. I got up, turning on the light and looking in the bathroom mirror. I could see the dried blood surrounding the cut, making me assume I had been out for a while. I hoped it wasn't a vampire that kidnapped me 'cause I'm betting they can smell my open wound. I took in a sharp breath as I touched the wound, pulling my hand away as if I touched fire. But taking in such a sudden breath hurt me more than it did good. I almost forgot my ribs were still bruised, along with my face. My busted lip was starting to slowly go away, but the black eye was still there and prominent.

As my eyes searched my face in the mirror, they found a body sitting in the bathtub. My eyes widened and I whirled around, pushing my back up against the sink. At first, I thought the person was dead, but then I saw her breathing. That was when I recognized her. I rushed towards her body, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. She didn't move one inch. I grabbed her chin with one of my hands, my eyes looking over her face. I brought my free hand up to her cheek, giving it a couple of taps. "Come on, Bonnie. Wake the fuck up." I whispered harshly, forgetting momentarily that she was passed out and couldn't hear me.

Suddenly, I heard people talking outside of the room. I got up and quickly turned the light off, getting in the bathtub with Bonnie. The only free space was near the faucet and I had to be careful not to stab my back. My eyes were trained on the door as if I was waiting for some monster to pop in and kill us.

I held my breath as the door opened quickly. A person was shoved in before it closed once again. I could see it was a girl, but it was too dark to see her face. She turned back towards the door, bringing her hands up to the door in defeat. She turned the light on and I immediately shut my eyes, trying to keep my breathing low and quiet. I heard her near the sink, which was right next to me. I looked up at the shower curtain that was covering me, seeing a silhouette of a petite figure.

"Bonnie?" I heard a very familiar voice. I let out a sigh of relief, glad it was Elena.

She rushed towards the bathtub just as I did when I first woke up, looking over my best friend. "Sup, my dude." I tried to say casually as her eyes snapped up to meet mine.

Elena seemed to calm down a bit when she saw me. She didn't let go of Bonnie as she started talking to me. "Where are we? Who was that girl?"

"One, I don't know. And two, I don't know." I held up my fingers as I counted, shrugging when she gave me a look. "Hey, all I know is about to walk into my house, with food that I did not get to eat, and then I was taken. I just woke up two minutes ago so if you could slow down the questions that'd be great." I let out a sigh, straightening my back so I wasn't near the faucet anymore. "I didn't even see who took me. But I just hope they know they owe me food."

"They're vampires. One of them is Ben--"

"Wait, Ben? Ben as in Bonnie's Ben?" I asked in confusion, looking at the unconscious girl. Guess that'd explain why she's here. She was the witch they were going to use.

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