Chapter 29 - "Try not to drink yourself to death."

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~ A Few Good Men ~ Part One ~

Ronnie's POV

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I sighed sadly into the phone. "I wish I had just gone to your house. My parents could've waited. I feel like this is my fault. I was on Damon's side. I was the one who encouraged you two to do the spell. I know I'm an awful person. I've gotten used to it, but during times like these, when I know I did something wrong, it magnifies by a thousand."

I bit my lips as I kept my eyes focused on my bedspread. I traced the patterns on it as I continued to leave a voicemail. "I wouldn't blame you if you hated me. I hate me, too. I caused Shelia's death. I'm the reason your grams is dead and I can never make up for that." I let out another sigh. "God, here I am making this all about me." I scolded myself, rolling my eyes. "Just. . . please, call me. I need to know if you're okay. Or at least alive. I'm sorry for everything. I love you, Bonnie."

I hung up the house phone, sitting it on the bedside table. "How is she?" I heard Luke's voice from my bedroom door. I gave him a sad smile, shrugging slightly.

"I don't know. She hasn't answered my calls yet." I replied sadly.

He walked towards me, sitting on the end of my bed. "Where did she go after Ms. Bennett's funeral?"

"Her aunts," I informed him, finding his concern cute. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Remember when Grandpa died? Remember how sad you were?" I questioned, thinking about my dad's father that had died three years ago. Dad's parents, Natalie and Josh, had been married for fifty years when Natalie died. She died when I was four, so I don't remember much about her. But, I adored Grandpa Josh. I was destroyed when I found out he had died.

Lucas nodded, confused as to where I was going with this. "Yeah."

"You were sad, but the sadness went away a little bit day by day, right? That's what Bonnie's going through. She's still sad, so she had to go away for a while. When she's better, she'll come back." I reassured, but even I didn't know if it was the truth.

He sighed and gave me a small nod. "I guess you're right."

I smiled and brought my hand up to his head, messing up his hair. "I'm always right."

"Don't get cocky." He rolled his eyes. "So, where have you and mom been going every morning at five?"

"How did you know about that?"

"I have eyes."

"We just go to the store. That's it." I made up an excuse.

"You excessively sweat from going to the store?" He raised his brows.

"Hey, shopping is an extreme sport." I pointed a finger at him.

"Uh-huh." He pursed his lips, jumping off my bed and walking out of the room. "By the way, a boy called for you."

My head snapped towards the door. I jumped out of bed, running after him. "What? Who was it?" I asked, walking down the stairs alongside him. Seeing as I still haven't got a new phone, anyone who wants to talk to me has to call my home phone.

Was it bad that I hoped it was Damon? I was beyond worried about him. I hadn't heard anything from him since that night at the tomb. I was so used to him bugging me every second all the time, so him not talking to me for this long worries me.

Lucas shrugged, "Not telling."

"Luke! What the fuck?!" I yelled as I followed him into the kitchen. "Tell me right now."

"No." He insisted. "I like to see you suffer."

Groaning, I pointed a finger at him. "Fuck you." I then added, "And where the hell is mom? She needs to contain you. Put you in a zoo or something."

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