Chapter 14 - Perhaps Vampires A Bit Strong But...

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~Haunted ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

"Ever since you and your brother came to town, I haven't seen Zach once. It's like he just disappeared." I said. "My mom and dad were friends with him, we even celebrated birthdays and some holidays together. So you can imagine my worry when two vampires move in with Zach, then he suddenly disappears. Now I want you to answer me honestly, where is Zach Salvatore?"

Stefan looked away from the sky he was staring at, giving me a surprised look. It was as if he hadn't expected to hear that name again, or even have someone mention the name. When he didn't say anything for a full five seconds, I got impatient. "Stefan, tell me the truth. Did you or Damon kill him?"

He looked hesitant to tell me what I wanted to know, but he finally spoke. "I'm sorry, Ronnie."

That was all I needed to hear. I knew the answer. Zach was dead.

I let out a sad sigh, leaning my head back against the brick pillar. "Who?" Stefan gave me a confused look, his brows furrowing. Before he could say anything, I elaborated. "Who killed him?"

"Damon." He said reluctantly.

My jaw clenched as I shook my head. "You and your brother are going to be the death of this town, you know that, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

Stefan looked as if he had no clue how to respond, but he did give me a short nod. "I wish there was some way to apologize."

I sighed, leaning off of the pillar. "I don't want your apologies, Stefan. It was your demon spawn of a brother who killed Zach, not you." I said, crossing my arms. "Just try to control him. You'd think with him being however old he is, he'd be a little more mature." I said, starting to walk away from the youngest Salvatore.

"Hey, Ronnie?" Stefan called, making me pause, not turning around. He took my stopping as a sign to continue talking. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

His statement caused my lip to twitch upwards before I glanced over my shoulder. "Right back at you."


"Are you ready to see your costume?" Caroline asked, excitement dripping in her voice. She opened her bedroom door, letting Bonnie and I walk in first before she followed.

I jumped onto her bed, letting out a grunt as I hit the mattress. "Depends. Is it gonna make me want to vomit?" I asked, propping my head on the palm of my hand.

Caroline gave me an annoyed look. "No, it will not make you want to vomit. I think you'll love it."

"Well, Care-Bear, in case you haven't noticed, we have different taste in style." I said, pointing to our outfits that we were wearing. Caroline was dressed in a yellow dress with some sandals. I had on jeans, a band tee, and some sneakers. We're polar opposites.

Bonnie sat down next to me, grabbing my hair and starting to play with it. "Don't worry, Ron. I've seen it and I can assure you that you will love it one hundred percent."

I let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine." I dragged out the word, rolling my eyes. "Just go get it."

Caroline clapped her hands with a large smile on her face, before walking over to the corner of her room, grabbing a bag and walking back towards us. "Close your eyes."

"Really?" I asked in annoyance.

"Close your eyes." Bonnie said, obviously getting tired of my complaining and noncompliance.

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