Chapter 48 - "Is this the part where we hug?"

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~ Brave New World ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

After the Ferris Wheel, Sebastian and Posie's mom finally managed to find us, ranting to her son about how he should've texted that they were going on another ride. Apparently, she thought the three all got kidnapped. When she was done ranting, we all decided to go get something to eat.

Luckily, the food truck we went to didn't have a long line like the one I went to earlier-- which I did not get any food from because of Damon. As the five of us sat down at one of the benches, chowing down on some good ole' carnival food, Sofia decided to make small talk with me since no one else was interested.

"Ronnie, dear, I have not seen you around lately." She wiped the edges of her mouth with a napkin, the took a quick sip from her water bottle. "Is everything okay?"

I gave her a reassuring smile, "Everything's great. I've just been busy with school and all." From beside me, my brother gave me a look, knowing I was not busy with school at all. I took a bite of my pizza, hoping that was the end of the conversation. It was not.

"And your parents? How are they?"

Lucas and I both shared a glance. "Um, they're fine. Dad's working harder than ever. Mom's on another trip. You know, the usual." I gave an uninterested shrug, knowing there wasn't much to say about either of them.

Sofia perked up slightly when I mentioned my mother. "Oh? Where did she go?"

"Mamá." Bash gave her a warning look.

"It's okay, Bash." I assured him. "Who knows where she is these days." I chuckled humorlessly. "Our mother tends to leave often without telling us where she's going."

"Oh, I'm sorry I pried."

I smiled uncomfortably, "It's fine, really." My eyes trailed passed the middle-aged woman to two people standing behind her, conversing quietly, worried looks on their faces. I squinted my eyes at them, debating if I should go see what was wrong and potentially ruin my night, or stay with the four I was sitting with and have one normal night. As usual, my need to know exactly what was going on around me got the best of me. "Hey," I spoke up, looking between Sofia and Bash. "Is it okay if I go talk to Elena for a second?"

Sofia nodded, squinting her eyes slowly "Elena, you say?" She asked as I stood up from the bench. "Sebastian, isn't that the girl you have a crush on?"

Both mine and Sebastian's eyes widened for two different reasons. His was because his mom just exposed him, and mine because I knew that Stefan was standing with his girlfriend and possibly just heard that. "Mamá!" Bash exclaimed, quickly glancing over his shoulder to see the couple distracted.

Sofia rolled her eyes at her son, "Relax, boy. Your crush didn't hear."

"Um, I'll be right back." I quickly said before walking over to the couple that was just about to leave. "Elena!" I yelled out before either of them could escape my eyesight. "Hey, what's wrong?"

The brunette girl swiveled around, a worried look on her face. "What? Didn't Damon tell you?"

My brows furrowed as I looked between the two slowly, "Tell me what?"

Stefan shook his head angrily, "He said he was going to tell you."

"It's Damon. What did you expect?" Elena rolled her eyes, angry as well.

I could feel myself starting to share their emotion as they unintentionally dodged my questions. "Guys! What was Damon supposed to tell me?"

The boy standing in front of me let out a small sigh, shaking his head. "Katherine turned Caroline last night."

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