Chapter 4

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Mia's Mom POV

We were still at the plane going to U.S since we have a business trip.
When we heard a grumbling sound from the plane.
Everyone started to panicking for they don't know what's happening.

Then the speaker started to say.

Everyone. Please remain to your seats. And calm down. Everything is under---

Then the speaker started to malfunction. We can feel the plane moving unsteady.
I nudged my husband who was beside me sweating all over

"Honey, whatever happens, we have to guide Mia all the way." I just said and my husband nodded about to wait on what's gonna happen in our fate...

Mia's POV

I went to the house and changed into my simple jeans and white blouse.
I went downstairs. I opened the TV and was about to watch Kdrama when I heard something bad on the news channel...

Good afternoon everyone. We will be reporting about a plane crash that seem to happen on Australia. It seem to happened that the plane wasn't really functioning well. There were a lot who died. Including two of the most successful CEOs in Korea and friends with the president. CEO Kim Minho and Kim Mina.

And they let the TV see who the scenery. And there I saw my parents lying dowm lifeless. With that, I felt my legs weak and I fell down the floor. I felt my whole world shattered. I was left with nothing. Seeing my parents leaving without me... Leaving me in this world alone...
I can't live without them...

With that I turned off the TV and went outside the house with my eyes full of tears...

Jungkook's POV

"Did you hear that the CEOs of one of the most successful companies in Seoul died?" I heard on of the staffs say.

"Oh no. They left their daughter Mia without even saying goodbye." One of the staffs says shooking her head.

I saw Namjoon hyung came towards me.

"Hello hyung." I greeted.

"Come with me Jungkook. We have something to discuss." Namjoon hyung said

"Okay." I said and followed him

I saw that we were going to Manager Bang's office. We went inside and I saw everyone there.

"So I have some very important news for you." Bang Pd-nim started

"Mia and her friends will be working here since we should be working with their parents but they passed it to their daughters since they knew they were responsible enough. Sadly, Mia's parents died leaving her----" Bang Pd-nim was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Yeobseo?... wait... what?!" Manager bang said that startled us.

"Okay." Bang Pd-nim ended the call

"What is it Manager?" Taehyung asked

"Mia's missing and her friends went to ask if she was here." Bang Pd-nim said

"Oh no... she must be disappointed of what happened." Namjoon said

"She is. She was the only girl of the Kims." Bang Pd-nim said.

With that he dismissed us and we all went to the practice room.

"She's a very smart girl." Namjoon hyung said out of the blue.

"How can you say that?" Jin asked

"I looked at her profile thinking if how rich she was. And it ended up finding that she was the daughter of the Kims." Namjoon hyung said.

"Oh..." we all said.

"Well we should pray for her right now tho." Jimin said

"Saying that nothing should happen." Taehyung added.

After that, we all went to our rooms and took a rest...

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