Chapter 43

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Mia's POV

"Love Yourself: Tear will be realised tomorrow right?" I asked

"Yes." Hani said

"Good.  Now let's dismiss this meeting and go to the boys." I said

Yep. Weeks, maybe months even, passed and we were all good. Rhonnie got locked in jail. While me and my friends graduated and worked here already. Me and Jungkook well, we're fine.

But really, I'm still spacing out a bit. We fought like the day before. Because of some boy trying to flirt with me. Psh. Jealous man. Or should I say fetus. He doesn't even trust his own girlfriend.

We all went to the practice room amd saw the boys goofing around like there's no tomorrow. Jungkook went to me but I ignored him and went to the others. I felt his sad expression while looking at me.

I had my pocker face on with my arms crossed. Even though we had the same room, I'm still ignoring him. He should know how to make it up for me.

Jungkook's POV

I signalled everyone to get out of the room while Mia is still busy with her phone. They got out carefully and the only ones left was Mia and Me.

I went to her and I knew she felt that I was coming. So she stand up and went to the door. She was about to get out when she can't open it.

Oh guys I am so thankful you did that.
She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. I gulped hard. And then.. the lights went off. Haha double thank you hyungs.

I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I knew Mia was afraid of the dark. She rested her head on my chest. Feeling my warmth.

"K-kookie...?" Mia said

"Hmm?" I asked

"I-i'm scared..." Mia said

"Me too... I am... scared... of losing you." I paused and she was silent.

"I'm sorry if I was jealous. Ending up for the two of us to fight. But I just wanted to tell you that, even if we had fought or will fight, I will always love you..." I said and smiled to myself.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I was too selfish. I didn't even thought about your---" I cut her off.

"Shhhhhh~ Don't be sorry." I said

Then I looked at her, even though it's dark I can still see her. I pressed my lips on her and we shared a passionate kiss...

Author's POV

Past can never change your fate...
The present can. Cause you are making your own fate.  The past is in the past. Present is present. And future is future.
The past should kept especially the good ones. Present should be your priority because it's the one making your future. And future...? Make it wait. Cause it's gonna come in the right time...

And speaking of time, let me tell you some things about it.

Time is too slow for those who wait...
Too fast for those for those who are in a hurry...
But if you're just happy and enjoying it, time is not...

So just be happy and enjoy your time and life.
Enjoy it to the fullest. Because not all the time you have the opportunity to...

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