Chapter 20

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Jungkook's POV

We are about to start training. People started to come and finally our coach. He paired us up into partners. And wow! I got paired with this Minho pabo! Amazing. Please note the sarcasm.

We started to fight. Minho was staring at me with a smirk on his face. Thinking that I will let him win.

"Okay, loser. I know I'm gonna win this. So just back up." Minho said

"Never gonna happen bro." I said and a grin crept on my lips.

"Let's see." Minho said

He started to kicked me but I quickly duck and kicked him back with more input. I dropped the floor with blood on his lips.

"Oh you'll get it." Minho said and I can feel his anger boiling inside him.

"Well bring it on." I said

Minho attacked me again but it didn't get to me so I attacked him and he dropped on the floor on the second time. And the to much impact he had was a little but to much.

"Okay. Jungkook you won. Good job." Coach said and I cam see Minho standing up while gritting his teeth.
Mouthing 'you'll get it this time loser.' And I was just like bring it on big ass.

Our session was finished and I changed into my jeans and sweatshirt. I was about to go out when I heard someone talking to Mia.

"Look babe just wanna have fun with you." Oh my holly--- it's Minho. I peeked and saw that he was pinning Mia and his gang was surrounding him.

"Let me go bastard!" Mia said and tried to push him

"Oh so you're rough ey?" Minho asked and went towards the neck of Mia.

"Why can't you move a muscle and fight me? Is it because Jungkook isn't here?" Minho said and acted like he's pouting. Just then Mia slapped him and he just smirk.

"Let me go! Jungkook!" Mia shouted and he was slapped by Minho.

"Shut up bi---" I cut him off

"She said let her go right?" I said going out of the bathroom

"Oh so it's loser Kook." Minjo said while smirking and let go of Mia. Just then she kicked him in his crotch and ran away.

I beat the other guys up and ran also.
I saw Mia at the bench crying. I ran up to her and comforted her. She was hugging me tightly pulling the hem of my shirt.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here..." I said and rubbed her shoulders.

"Let's go home." I said and she nodded.

We rode back home and went inside the house.

Finally the day was ended and another day at hell tomorrow...

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