Chapter 37

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Jungkook's POV

We saw her pass put on my arms.
I carried her in a bridal style and got inside the van. We rushed her to the hospital. The nurses cam to her and rushed her to the emergency room. We waited for hours.

Finally the doctor came out  with his mask still on. I went to him with a worried expression.

"How is she doc? Is she okay? Where is she? Cam I see her?" I bombarded him with questions.

"She's fine now Mr. Jeon. She might lost a lot of blood that's why she's pale. But she will soon gain her colour. You can visit her at her room." The doctor said

"What's her room number?" I asked

"I believe it's 435." The doctor said

"Thank you." I said to the doctor and bowed.

I told the others about Mia's condition and we all went to to her room. We saw her lying down the bed with a pale skin colour.
With her eyes closed. I went to her and found a seat and pulled it near her bed. I sat and held her hand rubbing it softly. 

"Jungkook. We're going now. Take care of Mia okay?" Jaemi said and I just nodded.

I was still holding Mia's hands and then I felt it slowly moving. I looked at her  and I can see her eyes opening a bit.

"Mia..." I said half whispered.

"Jungkook?" Mia said

I hugged her really tight because I was so happy to see her alive.

"J-jungkook I-i c-can't b-breath." Mia said making me pull away. She was catching her breath and I find it cute that's why I was chuckling a bit.

"What so funny?" Mia said while raised her eyebrow

"I just find it cute?" I said

"Okay...? I'm tired Kookie. I'm gonna go sleep again." Mia said and she called me Kookie... oh man holly shit.

I saw that she quickly drifted off to sleep. I was also sleepy so I went to sleep near her.

-------The next day------

Mia's POV

I woke up feeling the pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook beside me. I was moving a little bit when I saw Jungkook waking up. Oooppsss...

"Oh Mia. Do you need anything?"  Jungkook asked still half asleep.

"I'm hungry..." I whined.

"Okay. I'll buy some---" I cut Jungkook off

"No. Let the others buy. I also wanted to see them." I said with a smile

"Okay..." Jungkook said

Jungkook dialled his hyungs while I just sat there.
I got my iPad on my bag. I played BTS superstar and chose Crystal snow. It's my favorite song.

I skipped a freaking beat. Seriously!!!!!

After a few minutes of playing. The door finally opened and saw the others even my friends.
Aish em so tireduuuuuuu

I ate my favourite bulgogi and kimchi rice they made for me.
I had so much fun with them.

But something bothered me a bit...
I saw Yumi and Suga's distance from each other. They're not even talking.

We were all laughing when suddenly my phone rang...
I answered it, put it on loud speaker and began to feel terrified when I heard...

"Hello babe. Miss me?" Rhonnie said

We all became silent...

"I will come for you...just wait..." He said and hanged up.

Everyone in the room started to panic while I just stay calmed.

"WHAT THE HECK MIA! HOW CAN YOU BE CALM IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION?!" Jaemi shouted while Taehyung calmed her down.

"If I die, then I die. It's no biggie. At least I can be with my parents." I said jokingly and then Hani slapped me right on my face. HARD!

"What the..." I said with touching my cheeks

"WHAT THE FUCK MIA! THIS IS NOT A FREAKING JOKE. I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU INSTEAD OF RHONNIE." Hani shouted and I just looked at her with and annoyed and bored face.

"I want to rest..." I said, lying down facing the other side. I can't help but cry....
If this is my fate then let it be...

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