Chapter 41

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Mia's POV

I was crying beside Jungkook holding his hands, seeing his lifeless figure. I saw Rhonnie being arrested by the police but has a smiled crawled on his lips. . I saw some fan girls had a worried face.
I also saw the others coming.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jin asked

"Rh-rhonnie shot him." I said bursting off tears. Crying my heart out. They comforted me and others has that worried and sad expressions.

After a while we saw nurses rushing towards Jungkook. They lifted him up and lay him down on the bed.

They rushed him to the hospital and we also went there as fast as we can.

They brought him to the emergency room and we waited.
I was really crying my heart out.
And everyone was like comforting me.

"I-it's all my fault!" I said

"No it's no--" I cut off Hani sentence.

"I should be the one on his situation!" I said and I kept hitting my head.
Jaemi was holding my hand, stopping me

"Stop it Mia! Have you ever thought that Jungkook will be very disappointed if you're like this?" Jaemi said. She was right.

"I know it's hard for you. For us to you know. Jungkook's our friend." Yumi said.

"I just can't take it seeing him like this." I said, pressing my hands on my face.

"I-i can't..." I said weakly.

"We know. We just have to pray for him. And wait for him. Okay?" Jaemi said and I just nodded.

We waited for a little while, then finally the doctor came with his mask on. I came to him with a hopeful face.

"How is he doc?" I asked

"His fine now. He lost a lot of blood. Gladly he was only shot in a minor part of his body. So he's fine now." The doctor said that lit my face up.

"What room is he in?" I asked

"Room 471." The doctor said.

We thanked him and bowed.
We quickly went to Jungkook's room and saw him. Lying down.
I took a chair and dragged it beside him.

I took his hand and brushed it. O can feel the others watching me with a painful look. I turned around and looked at them. I just smiled happily.

"Like you said. We don't have to worry. Jungkook's fine now. Just smile for him. Okay?" I said and they just nodded.

"We have to go now. We have to tell manager everything that had happened." Namjoon said and I nodded.

"Oh Jaemi?" I said

"Yeah?" She answered.

"Bring me some food for me and Jungkook. Okay?" I said and she just nodded.

They all left and I was just here with Jungkook. I was looking at him and I brushed his hair lightly.

"I don't know what's happening Jungkook. First when I woke up from this hospital after I jumped on that building, I forgot about you. What surprised me is you are my bias and you are part of BTS. Second Rhonnie became the problem. What's happening to us Jungkook? Did fate bring us together in a diffrent way? Or is it just ruining the both of us?" I asked

And then suddenly my phone rang. I hesitantly answered it because it might be Rhonnie.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello Ms. Kim. We forgot to tell you about your parents' funeral." A man said

"Oh. Uhmm. Where will it organized?" I asked

"At ****** funeral." (Sorry I don't know if Korea has a funeral like here in the Philippines.)

"Okay. I will be there tomorrow." I said and hanged up.

I looked at Jungkook again. I was a little bit to tired so I rested mt head on the bed and fell fast asleep.

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