Meeting Hisoka

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After that night, Kurapika and Leorio left. 

You decided that since you are staying awhile you wanted to get a job. You looked at places that are hiring nearby. A small restaurant was hiring for waiters and waitresses. You decided to try and get the job. 


You were working your second day. You were taking orders and cleaning tables. It was almost closing time. The place was vacant. Then two more customers entered. They were both really tall. One boy had long black hair and the other had stuck up red hair. The boy with red hair had face paint. You thought to yourself, the guy with the red hair is kind of hot. You looked down and blushed. Another waitress walked over to you. 

"Do you want me to take care of this?" She asked with a smile.

"No, I think I got this." You said. 

You walked over to the guys. "Hi. Please follow me to your seat." You said. 

The red hair guy's eyes opened slightly wider. 

You walked them to their table. 

"Can I get you some drinks?" You asked. You pulled out your notepad and flipped it to the first blank page. 

They picked up their menus.

"Can I have a water?" The black haired man asked.

"Sure. And you sir?" You turned to the red haired guy.

"I want a water as well." He said. 

You ran to the back and got them waters. Then it was time for them to decide what they wanted to eat. You walked back over to them and handed them their waters. 

"Excuse me do I know you?" The red haired man asked.

"I don't think so." You replied.

"You look like someone I know. His name is Gon Freecs." He said.

The black haired man picked up his water and started to drink it.

"Oh you know him? He is my twin brother." You said.

The black haired man spits his water out. He looks up to you.

You looked back at the red haired man. His eyes were closed and there was water all over him. 

"Let me go get you some napkins!" You said.

"Thank you." When you left, the red haired man looked at the black haired man angrily.

You had to giggle at them. You grabbed napkins and brought them back. 

"I'm Hisoka." Hisoka said. 

"Hello. Are you friends with my brother?" You asked.

"You can say that. Over there is Illumi."

"Okay. Nice to meet you guys. Can I take your order?" You asked. 

"Yes, I will take the extra spicy chicken sandwich." Illumi said. 

"Okay." You wrote down his order. "And you?" You asked.

"I want a steak." Hisoka said.

"How do you want your steak?" You asked.

"How I like my 12 year old children."

You stared at him like he was insane. 

"I'm joking. I want it extra juicy." Hisoka said.

"Y-yes. Coming right up." You said. You wrote it down. 

You ran to the back and waited until their food was done. It took awhile until their food was completely done. You grabbed the tray the plates were put on and you walked over to their table. 

You grabbed the chicken sandwich and put it in front of Illumi. "One extra spicy chicken sandwich." You said. You grabbed the juicy steak and put it in front of Hisoka. "One juicy steak."

"Hey. What is your name?" Hisoka asked. 

Illumi stuffed his face with the chicken sandwich. 

"My name is Y/n." You smiled.

Illumi spits out his chicken sandwich across the table on Hisoka's face. 

"What a pretty name." Illumi said carelessly about what he did to Hisoka.

Hisoka takes his left hand and wipes the food off of his face. 

You laughed and walked away. Your day was over. You checked out and got back into your street clothes. You waved to Hisoka and Illumi. When Illumi stuck his hand in the air, he knocked over his glass and the water spilled over Hisoka's shirt. 

"Illumi, you have a death wish." Hisoka said with a straight face. 

You walked home with a smile on your face. You walked in Gon's room. Killua was taking off his shirt and Gon was closing his eyes. You had no idea what was going on.

"Um. What is going on here?" You asked.

Killua turned his head. "Hey you're back." Killua said taking his shirt off. 

Your face turned red. You seen Killua's eight pack of abs. You turned and faced the wall. Your face was completely red. 

"Sorry. I was imagining things. Welcome back Y/n." Gon said.

"Hi." You said. "I met one of your friends today. Hisoka I think his name was." You said.

"Hisoka?" Gon and Killua said at the same time.

You turned back around. Killua was still shirtless.

"Listen Y/n. You should try and stay away from Hisoka." Gon said.

"Why?" You asked. "I felt sorry for him because his friend Illumi kept spitting at him."

"Illumi?!" Killua yelled.

"Is he that bad too?" You asked.

"Yeah! He is my older brother." Killua said. Killua walked over to you and grabbed your hands. "You must stay away from both of them."

You blushed as he was holding your hands. "O-okay." You said.

"Promise?" Killua asked.

"I promise." You said.

"Good." Gon said.  

To be continued...

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