The Final Move

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Kurapika's point of view~

"Why the hell would assassins have such weak guards?" I said.

Every guard, Hisoka and I put them on the ground groaning with many broken bones.

We ran after Leorio.

Your point of view~

"Hmm? I thought you were useless. So useless you couldn't land a scratch on me. But I guess I misjudged you." Illumi said. "It didn't hurt that much."

"Why the hell does everyone think I'm useless?!" Leorio shouted. "Nevermind that, let Y/n go you bastard."

"How did you get passed all of the guards and get into this house? How did you get passed Canary?" Illumi asked.

"Like hell I'll tell you." Leorio said as he pulled out a gun.

"That won't do anything to me." Illumi said.

"Wanna bet?" Leorio said with a smile.

Leorio shot the gun to distract Illumi as Hisoka and Kurapika ran in the room ready to fight.

"Go Leorio!" Kurapika shouted.

"Yes sir!" Leorio said as he ran towards me. He pulled out a second gun and shot the chains off of my hands. He picked me up and carried me out of the room while Hisoka started fighting Illumi.

"She won't get away." Illumi said with a smile. He broke the window and climbed out of it.

"That was creepy." Kurapika said.

"He's most likely going to the emergency button in another room. He'll get the rest of his family to come out and fight. They're really powerful so we won't survive if we try to fight them. But we'll die by the hands of powerful assassins and that turns me on!" Hisoka explained.

"Now isn't the time. He might go for Leorio instead because he is stronger than him. If that is the case, you chase after Illumi out the window and I'll go after Leorio." Kurapika said.

"Yes Mr. Chain User!"

"Don't call me that." Kurapika said as he ran after Leorio.

Kurapika's point of view~

"Kurapika! It seems Y/n has just passed out. She was tortured." Leorio said.

"Damn." I said to myself. I could feel my scarlet eyes. "He's after the emergency button. Killua's family will come after us anytime now."

"We better get going!" Leorio said.

Then Illumi had appeared in front of us.

I instantly made my chains appear once again. Then Hisoka was a few feet behind him.

"I'm sorry Illumi but I can't let you have the girl." Hisoka said.

"You and your selfish reasons." Illumi said.

"Selfish huh?" Hisoka said with a sadistic smile. "I'd use Gyo if I were you, Illumi."

"Let me guess." Illumi looked down to see Hisoka's bungee gum attached to Illumi's chest.

Then Mrs. Zoldyck made an appearance along with Kalluto.

"Please. Don't go." Mrs. Zoldyck said.

"What did you do to her?!" Leorio asked.

"I only asked her a few questions." She replied. "My dear son should be here any minute now."

Killua's point of view~

We've finally made it! The Testing Gate.

"Killua, how are we going to get past-"

"Have you forgotten? I live here." I said with a smile. "You'll have to push it open too so might as well push with me."

And so, Gon and I place our hands on the doors and we easily pushed it open.

"Wow Killua, that was easy!" Gon said.

"I told you, let's keep going." I said.

We made it to Canary.

"Your other friends arrived here a while ago. I hope they're alright." Canary said

"Huh?! Kurapika and Leorio were here and didn't call us?!" I said.

"They were in a hurry." She said. "There was another person with them as well."

"Huh? Another person?" I asked.

"Is it possible it could be Hisoka?" Gon asked.

"No. He wouldn't." I said.

We continued to run and we opened the front doors to see Hisoka and my brother fighting.

"There he is!" My mother said.

The fighting paused.

I walked up to Illumi.

"Welcome hom-"

I punched Illumi in the face. He landed on the ground just staring up at the ceiling. Then I walked up to my mother with all eyes on me.

"Dear." She smiled. "Stay here."

"Like hell I would. I've told you, I'm no assassin. I'm a Hunter." I said.

"You can't just abandon this family!" She screamed.

Then Milluki came down the stairs.

"Killua! I knew you were up to no good." He shouted.

"Shut the hell up fat ass!" I shouted.

"Mother! Did you hear him?" Milluki said.

"Yes I did. He has grown up." She smiled.

Then Hisoka threw a card at her head but Kalluto swung at it so nothing touched her face.

"You guys can go, I'll handle them." Hisoka smiled and licked his lips

"Why are you here!?" Gon asked.

"I like your sister. I couldn't just let her die. You guys would of been to late." Hisoka explained.

"Give me a moment Hisoka." I said. I stared at my mother with anger in my eyes. "Knock that ugly thing off your face!" I said as I knocked both her hat and her eye thing off her face. Her bandages started to unravel, exposing her face.

"Noooooo! Killua, what have you done?!" She screamed as she covered up her face. "Don't look at me!"

I began to walk away. "Come on guys. Hisoka, they're all yours." I said.

Leorio carried Y/n.

We were out of the house and out of The Testing Gate.

"Killua..." Gon paused. "Your mother, was beautiful." He said.

"She was." I said.

We were all so silent. Then Leorio laid Y/n on the ground.

"She won't make it if she doesn't get treated right now." Leorio said.

"Do whatever you need. We'll wait." I said.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!!!!

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