How to Start a War

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Killua's Point of view~

I froze when the question was asked.

"Please answer me Killua." She said.

Then a waiter walked over. "May I take your order?" He asked with a smile.

"I'll take the bacon cheeseburger." Y/n said with a smile.

"Alrighty. And you sir?" The waiter looked at me.

I stared blankly at my menu and felt the sweat travel down my face. "I-I'll take...the number 6." I pointed to it.

"Yes sir. They'll be out in a few moments." He said. He walked away.

"Killua?" Y/n said.

I was too embarrassed to uncover my face with the menu. "No. It's not like that at all." I said as I uncovered my face. My face was really red.

"Then what would be the point in lying to me?" She said.

"Okay! Y/n! I like you!"

It was silent at our table for a few minutes.

I felt pressure as I was about to cry. I wanted her to say something. She was silent but she looked surprised.

"Killua." She paused.

Y/n's pov~

"Killua!" Another girl shouted. "I traveled all this way to find you!" The girl had blonde hair and she was wearing a really cute dress.

"Mallory! What are you doing here?" He asked.

The girl called Mallory jumped on Killua and gave him a big hug.

I was confused.

"K-Killua?" I said.

"Oh. This is Mallory. Since I'm from a elite family of assassins, they think it's right to find me a fiance. Mallory here is also a assassin. But I don't wanna marry someone my parents pick."

"But Killua! I traveled all this way just for you!" She said.

"I respect that but Mallory, I don't love you." He said.

I felt anger and jealousy. I was just about to tell Killua that I liked him back but this little girl had to jump in.

"But I love you Killua!" She shouted then kissed him on the lips.

Killua backed away. "Get the hell off of me!"

"But Kil-"

"Just get away from me. You made a mistake coming all this way." Killua said.

"K-Killua, maybe you shouldn't be so harsh. She did come all this way to see you." I smiled trying to hide my jealousy.

"Well, I guess you might as well stay for tonight but, you will leave the moment you wake up." Killua said.

"Buuuttt I don't waaaaannnnnnaaaaaa!" She started making a scene.

"Just stop okay." Killua said.

"And who the hell are you?" She asked as she looked at me. It was obvious she was jealous of me.

"Oh, this is Y/n. She is my friend." Killua said.

"But Killua, you don't have friends." She said.

"Huh? I have friends! I'm not allowed to have friends but I don't care! I love my friends more than anything!" He blushed a little.

It made me blush too.

"Anyway, enough about this disgusting friend talk, where are you even staying?" She asked.

"At a friend's house." He replied.

"Ewwwww groooooosssssssss!"

"Just be quiet and go somewhere else. I'd like to finish my date with Y/n." He said.

"D-Date!? So you're cheating on me?"  She shouted.

"Huh? We're not even together! Even if we were I would cheat on you." Killua said.

"You're a jerk! But I love you!" Mallory said.

The waiter walked over to us and gave us our food.

"Thank you, if you need anything, let me know." He smiled.

"I'll pay for it." Mallory said.

"No, I will." I said.

"Just stay away from Killua." She said.

I didn't reply.

"She's my friend Mallory."

"That doesn't mean anything!"

"I-I am gonna go." I said as I got up from the table. I didn't even touch my food. That little brat can have it. I went home alone.

"Huh? Where is Killua Y/n?" Gon asked.

"He decided he didn't want to eat with me." I said as I ran upstairs and plopped down on my bed and cried my heart out. That little brat is starting a War with me. Killua likes ME and I am going to win him over.

"Y/n?" Gon said. "You like him don't you?" Gon grinned a little.

"I didn't know."

Gon was slightly awkward because I was crying and upset.

A little after I got home, Killua entered with Mallory.

"Who is this?" Mito asked

"Oh, she's a.....friend. She came all this way just to welcome me back home but I'm not going. She will be leaving tomorrow morning." He said.

"Killua!" Gon said. "A word."

Killua and Gon walked upstairs next to the bedroom and Mallory was downstairs.

Gon slapped Killua. "You damned fool!" He shouted.

"What?" Killua said.

"You left Y/n for Mallory?" He asked.

"What? No! Mallory came out of no where and Y/n ran off. I wanted to spend time with just Y/n." Killua than ran into the bedroom. "Y/n." He said.

I sat up.

He walked over to me and hugged me.

I blushed like crazy. "Ki-Killua." I said.

Then without a word, Killua kissed me on my lips.

To be continued....

Thanks for reading!!!

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