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Killua's point of view~

"Don't let me down Killua. I believe in you. Just keep Y/n and Gon out of the house for a little while. Me, Kurapika and Leorio are going to get everything ready." Mito explained.

"You can count on me Mito!" I said with a smile.

"Yay!" She smiled back.

I ran up the stairs. "Y/n! Gon! Come with me!" I shouted.

They both sprang out of their beds.

"Killua. I'm tired." Gon said as he fell back and closed his eyes.

"Come on Gon." I said as I grabbed Gon's ankle and pulled him off the bed. Gon fell face first on the floor.

"Ow!" Gon shouted. "Why would you do that?"

"Two reasons. One, to get you out of bed. Two, it's payback for pushing me in the pool the other day." I smiled.

Your point of view~

I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see once I take you guys there. Get dressed and we'll go!" Killua shouted with excitement.

I picked out my clothes and Gon picked out his clothes. Gon stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom. While he was doing that, i got dressed. I went downstairs and soon Gon met with me and Killua, dressed, at the dinner table.

"Okay, where are we going Killua?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He smiled.

"Okay." I sighed with a smile.

Gon and I walked side to side, following Killua.

"Please tell us where we are going." Gon said.

"Fine. I'm taking you guys out for breakfast. And we're going to spend the whole day with each other."


"Uh.....I'm feeling like we need too."

"Why? Mito can just make something or we can make something together." I said.

"But today is special." Killua said.

I don't know what Killua is thinking. He is acting a little strange today.

We had silent walk to a breakfast place.

"What would you guys like to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Give all of us coffee please." Killua said as he looked at the waitress.

The waitress took a moment and smiled and then walked away.

Some kind of secret message? That was strange.

"What is going on? " Gon asked. "The way you talked to that waitress. It was strange."

"Hmm? Strange? You think so? I don't think it's strange at all."

I looked at Killua. I don't know if he's lying or not. I'm just so confused.

The waitress came back with our coffees. Just the way we each like them. But Killua didn't say what to do with each coffee.

"Thank you Killua." I smiled.

"Hmm? For what?" He asked.

"For taking us out of course." I smiled.

"Anything for you two." Killua smiled.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Yeah of course." Killua smiled.

"Okay, tell me why you are acting so strange." I smiled.

"I don't know why you guys think I'm acting strange. It's your birthday so I feel like taking you guys places."

I thought for a minute. "It's May 5th?" I asked.

"Did you check the calendar today Y/n?"

"No! I didn't have time too because you wanted us to get out of bed so badly." I replied.

"You still had time to do everything you wanted." Killua laughed.

"So where are we going after this?" I asked.

"Hmm. I'll think about it." Killua said.

And so we ordered. Then we went another fishing tournament. Afterwards, we played like little kids playing hide and seek. Of course, the boys could never find me.

"Phew. I'm exhausted." Gon said, wiping sweat from his forehead. " I want to go home now."

"Not yet Gon. We just got out here." Killua said.

"Like 6 hours ago." Gon said.

"Fine, we can go home now." Killua shrugged.

"Okay! Let's go home!" Gon said as he started marching.

Killua and i walked behind Gon.

"You're lying. Right?" I said.

"Huh? About what?" Killua asked.

"You did this for some different reason. I don't know what though." I said.

"What makes you say that?" Killua asked.

"I don't know. Just a hunch."

Killua smiled. "You'll find out if you are right or wrong soon enough."

Then we reached the house.

"Huh? Why are the lights out?" I asked as I flipped the light switch.

Then Mito-san, Kurapika, Leorio, somr of my friends, Mallory and Illumi shouted Surprise and came out of their hiding places.

"Huh? Why is Illumi here?" Gon asked. "Hisoka isn't."

"Well...he wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't want him here but he wouldn't listen." Killua frowned. "Hisoka wasn't invited."

"Huh? I'm not invited?" Hisoka said from behind us. He was outside.

"Hisoka!?" Gon shouted.

"I invited myself."

Gon quickly shut the door behind us so Hisoka couldn't get in.

"Happy Birthday!" Mito shouted as she walked up to Gon and me and gave us a big hug.

"M-Mito. I c-can't breath!" Gon said.

"Sorry." Mito said as she let go. "I can't believe you are both 15 now."

"Wait! This means..." Gon looked over at Killua. Gon started laughing. "Your girlfriend is older than you!"

"Oi! That's not funny! Couples are like that most of the time!" Killua shouted.

"I've never had anything like this before. Thank you.

We talked to each other, danced, ate cake. It was the best birthday I have ever had in years.

"Hey! Killua! Y/n! Come over here! I want to take a picture of you two kissing." Gon said.

"Huh? Why?" Killua asked.

"I want you both to remember this moment when you grow up and get very old together."

"Fine. Come on Y/n." Killua grabbed my hand and so we kissed for Gon's picture.

Sometimes i wish that day could just restart.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!!!

Gon's Sister? (Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now