The Next Date

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(Hi! It's me, the author. I just wanna say that I love your comments! They're all so funny!)

Your point of view~

Gon and I gasped.

"And the winner is..." Gon paused. "Another tie."

"Uh! Kurapika! Why are you trying so hard?" Killua asked Kurapika.

"Out of all of us, I probably spent the least amount of time with Y/n and I would really like the get to know her." Kurapika smiled as he splashed Killua.

"Hey!" Killua splashed him back.

"Okay okay! I'll go on a date with both of you!" I said.

"Huh?" Killua said.

I nodded. "Killua and I will have a more romantic date while Kurapika and I will have a friendly date. " I explained.

"Well I guess that's fine." Killua pouted.

"Awwww. Is someone pouting like a little baby?" I got up from my seat and crouched down in front of Killua.

"N-No." He blushed and looked away while making a pouty face.

I smiled. "Come with me Killua." I said.

"Where are you two kids off too?" Mito asked with a smirk.

"We're going to explore more of the park." I smiled.

"Alright." Mito smiled.

Killua climbed out of the pool and so we ran to find other pools. We were alone. Just what I wanted.

"So where are we going?" Killua asked.

"No where really. I just wanted to get away from the crowd." I sighed.

Killua smiled. "I know where we can go." He grabbed my hand and we took off running.

"Uh...this is a very big water slide." I said.

"We'll go down together." Killua said with a smile and he held his hand out.

I smiled back and took his hand. And so we slid down the big slide together.  Afterwards, we went to get sunscreen because I realized I forgot to put some on.

"Hey Killua..." I started to blush. "Do you mind putting some sunscreen on my back?" I finished.

Then Killua's face was bright red. "Y-Y-You want me to p-put the sunscreen on y-your back?" He stuttered.

I nodded. I hand him the bottle and he looked down to the floor very very flustered.

I laid down a towel and I laid down on top of it.

"B-But there are people around." He said.

"So?" I said. "I've seen other couples putting sunscreen on like this. Why can't we?"

"Fine." Killua got down next to me on his knees and began to squirt the sunscreen on his hand.

"I can help you with that Y/n!" Gon said running up from behind us and pushed Killua into the pool.

"Gon! What the hell?!" Killua shouted.

"Just because you are dating my sister doesn't mean you get to touch her like this!" Gon said.

"B-But she said I could." Killua said as he climbed out of the pool.

"Gon, I want Killua to do it." I said.

Gon looked at me then smiled. "Sorry." He got up. "Sorry for spying on you two."

"Huh? You were spying on us?" Killua asked.

"Yeah. Sorry. I will leave you guys alone now on your tiny date." Gon winked at Killua.

Gon, sometimes I simply cannot read you.

And so Gon ran off.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Killua asked.

"Yeah. Stop making it awkward and just do it already." I said as I blushed a little.

"O-Okay." Killua put the sunscreen on his hand once again and then closed his eyes with a cute red face. He then started to rub it on my back.

It was cold at first but felt good.

After he was done, I sat up and looked at Killua.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a smirk.

"I- uhhhh..." He paused.

"You never had a girlfriend?" I asked.

"N-No not really." Killua said.

I smiled. Then I hugged Killua. "Well you're the best boyfriend and only boyfriend I've ever had!"

Killua's face was very very red. He hugged me back but slowly put his hands on me.

I let go.

"Do you want me to get the rest of you?" Killua asked.

"No. I'll get the rest myself." I said as I grabbed the sunscreen and put it on my legs and arms. "You should put some on too." I said as I gave the bottle of sunscreen.

Killua looked at the bottle then looked at me. He smirked. "Y/n. I can't reach my back." He said.

I laughed. "Let me get it for you."

He sat in front of me and rubbed the sunscreen on his back. Then Killua finished himself.

"What now?" Killua asked.

I looked at the food stand behind him. "Hungry?" I asked.

"Hell yeah I am!" Killua said.

"I brought some money. I asked Gon to look over my belongings so I'll go get my wallet real quick and you can stay here." I said as I stood up and ran back.

"Welcome back! Where is Killua?" Mito asked.

"Oh, he's waiting for me. We're gonna get some food." I said as I grabbed my wallet and looked inside to make sure no one had stolen from me.

"O-Okay. You two have fun." She smiled.

"We will and we are!" I smiled and ran back to Killua.

He got up off the ground and stretched.

I still can barely look at him without blushing. You would never imagine he could fit those abs under his shirt. I should probably stop staring now.

"Enjoying the view?" Killua asked.

I gasped and blushed then looked away. "Maybe." I said quietly.

"Okay, what should we eat?" Killua asked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Wait." Killua paused. "We should share something." He said.


"You know, like couples do. Especially cute couples."

I giggled. "Sure. Want a milkshake?"

"Yes! I'll have any flavor you want." He said.

"Okay." I smiled.

We enjoyed the rest of the day away from the group and it was fun. I had a great day with Killua.

"Hey, I've got a question for you Y/n." Killua said.


"Why did you get all embarrassed when you came out of the restroom?"

"Well, I don't like to show off so much skin. Especially if I'm in front of a bunch of boys with one other girl."

"But why? You know you look cute in anything right?"

I blushed. "Knock it off Killua."

"What? I'm not lying." He laughed.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!!!!

Gon's Sister? (Killua x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu