Hug (Last Part)

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Your point of view~

"Hi mom." I smiled.

She paused for a moment and her smile disappeared. "Do I...know you?" She asked.

"What? Yeah! I'm your daughter...Y/n..." I said.

"I-I don't have any children." She said.

"What? But I am your daughter." I said. "Ging even told me that you wanted to see me."

"Who is Ging?" She asked.

This has to be a joke. But my mother wouldn't joke like this. I just turned away and started waking away. Killua followed me. He was as confused as I was. I went back to the hospital. "What the hell! You said she wanted to see me!" I yelled at Ging.

"She didn't recognize you either?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"She didn't recognize me. I was wanting to see if she would recognize you but I guess it didn't work." Ging said.

I looked down to my feet. "Do you know what's wrong with her?" I asked.

Ging sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Doctors said she was fine."

I sighed. "Well...I guess we should just restart our relationship with her. If she doesn't remember us then, we have no choice but to restart." I said.

I left upset again. Gon was still in a coma and my mom had completely forgotten about me. My dad doesn't care about me...what next? I sat down at the beach and looked up at the stars. I shivered as the wind blew across my face. Killua was sitting next to me. I could tel he was in pain because I was. I looked over at him and waited for him to look back at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Let's run away together." I said.

"Huh? But why?" He asked.

"I just want to get away from everything. I know everything is still going to follow me wherever I go but..." I paused. I grabbed Killua's hand. "L-Lets get married! And have a family!" I blushed.

Killua blushed too. "Huh? We're too young for both of those!" He said. 

"I didn't mean at this age. Once we're older!" I blushed more.

Killua giggled a little. "Why?"

"Because I want to be with you forever make my heart happy. And at this day...I think you are the only one who can..."

Killua leaned over and kissed me. "Sure. I feel the same way. Besides Gon. Gon can make everyone smile somehow. I don't know how he does it."

I blushed a little more as I cuddled up next to Killua.

"We'll get married...have a baby or in a nice house." Killua said as he kissed my head.

And it happened. Six years later we got married and had our first baby the year afterwards. A beautiful baby boy. Right now, my son is four. We are waiting for another baby boy to arrive.

I decided to visit Gon today. When I walked in his room...he was sitting up. His hair was really long. Killua was working and he would be very happy right now if he was here.

"Hey Y/n. Long time." Gon smiled.

I covered my hand over my mouth. He still remembers me. I started crying. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.

"Oh! You're pregnant?! Damn! How long have I've been sleeping for?" He asked. Then he picked up a strand of his long hair. "What...? Where is Killua?"

I couldn't get any words out of my mouth at the moment. I was just so happy that Gon was finally awake.

Gon got up and stretched while I called Killua, Kurapika and Leorio.

Killua walked in the door with our son. "Gon!" He shouted. He started crying and gave Gon a big hug.

"Hey Killua. Sorry I've slept for such a long time." Gon said.

"Too long! Way too long!" Killua sobbed.

"Mommy, who is that?" My son asked as he stood next to me.

"That's your uncle." I smiled.

"You have another kid?" Gon asked. "I'm an uncle? Wait, did I miss the wedding?" He asked.

Killua let go. "Yeah. I had to make Leorio my best man because Y/n made Kurapika her brides maid." Killua crossed his arms.

"And I didn't mind whatsoever." Kurapika's voice came from the doorway.

All of us look over to see Kurapika with a smile.

"Hey Gon." He said.

" grew up... like alot." Gon said.

Then Leorio ran into the door. "Ow! Dammit!" Leorio said as he rubbed his nose. Then he looked up at Gon. "GONNNNNN!" He gave Gon the biggest hug out of all of us.

"Easy Leorio." Kurapika said.

"No....i-its fine!" Gon said as he struggled to breath.

Leorio let go of him and all we could hear was Leorio crying his eyes out.

"I'm surprised you still remember all of us." Leorio said.

"Why would I forget you? I love all of you guys." Gon said.

"We love you too Gon." Kurapika smiled.

"So...Y/n...when is the child due?" Gon asked.

"Hm? Sometime this week." I said.

"I missed to much." Gon said.

"I didn't know Mommy had a brother." My son said.

And later that week, I had my second baby. Then Ging walked in.

"I heard that I was a grandpa now." He said. 

I smiled. "You have been for the past four years."

"What? And you decided not to tell me?" Ging said.

"I figured you didn't want anything to do with me." I said.

Ging frowned. "Of course not. You're my daughter Y/n." He said.

"The daughter you abandoned." I said.

Killua held onto my hand. "Calm down." He smiled. 

"I'm calm." I said.

"Can I see my grandchildren?" He asked.

"I just had a baby yesterday. And (I don't want to name the son so I'll just put s/n for son's name.) S/n is with Gon right now." I said.

Ging bowed to me. "I'm sorry." He said.


"For being the worst father..." He paused.

I grabbed Ging's arm and pulled him into a hug.

Afterwards, Ging went to see my beautiful children. Then Killua was staring and me with a smile.

"What?" I asked.

"Its nothing. I just don't know why I got so lucky." He said.


"I have the best wife, best children and the best brother in law. It doesn't get any better than this." Killua said.

I blushed a little. "I love you Killua."

He leaned over and kissed my lips. "I love you too, Y/n."

Thanks for reading this story! I hope you liked it! This'll do it! This is the last part so please tell me your thoughts on the story.

This story is completed.

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