One Killer

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Your point of view~

"So there are two killers. If the victim was a boy then, they weren't disguised." I said. "Why didn't anyone notice that there was a boy in the girl's bathroom?"

"I think no one noticed because everyone here is a local and know which bathroom is which. Maybe the bathroom plates were switched?" Kurapika said.

"Hmm." I said. "I'm gonna go in the boy's bathroom for a moment." I said as I walked to the bathroom. "What the..." I said.

Killua followed me. "What the...why does it look the same as the girl's bathroom?" He asked.

"I don't know."

We walked back out. "The bathrooms are the same, Kurapika." Killua said.

"Hmm? Really?" He asked.

We nodded. "If there is more than one killer, then the main killer must be a female." I said.

"I agree. Nobody would take a boy into a girl's bathroom unless they were female themselves. Unless....they disguised themselves. Our probability of a male is pretty low." Kurapika explained.

"I agree. The cuts on her ankles could of been from anything but...nen could be the cause. While you guys were checking out other parts of the body, after Hisoka lifted up the pant leg, I seen the cut manipulate." I explained. "Must be someone trying to confuse us...but they definitely know nen."

"Good eye Y/n." Kurapika said. "Then I'm with you, there are two killers."

"B-But I haven't really explained how I know-"

"But now I see where you got it from." Kurapika smiled. "You've been on this island longer than any of us have. You know that the possibility of having a white cat is pretty low."

"Hmm? What does that have to do with anything?" Leorio asked.

"First of all, not many people on this island know nen. Secondly, if you do know nen then you don't own any animals, on this island anyway." Kurapika said.

"Hmm? How did you know?" I asked.

"Easy. I looked into your profile and Milo's profile as well as a few others that have nen and yet, no one has any animals. White cats are rare on this island."

I nodded. "You think very quickly Kurapika." I said.

"Are we 100% sure that the hair on the clothes are from a cat?" Leorio asked. "It could be from another previous victim. I heard that some have white hair."

Killua gulped. Everyone looked at Killua. "S-Stop looking at me. You're making me nervous." He said.

"Its okay Killua. You're strong and I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I said with a smile as I grabbed onto his hand.

Killua blushed and smiled. "I know."

"Okay, time to get focused again love birds." Leorio said.

"We need to talk with everyone on this island that knows nen and everyone that owns a white cat." Kurapika said.

"Can we speak with Milo first. I know he's innocent so I just want to get him out of the way." I smiled.

"What if he's not innocent?" Hisoka smiled.

"He is!"

Hisoka smiled. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. " I know he is."

Suddenly, Kurapika had gotten a phone call. He turned away and answered the phone. "Okay. I'll meet you there." He nodded then hung up. He turned to us again. "We have another victim."

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!! Please tell me if you have any ideas who the killer(s) could be! I'd like to know your thoughts!

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