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Custos' pov:

I was born for one purpose: to serve and guard the king's family. It was a great honor for your child to be chosen for such a role, so my parents, whom I never met, never thought twice about giving me up.

Ever since I was a child, I was trained as part of a group of four other girls and five boys selected for this role.

As years went on, one after another, all my competition failed to keep up with the demand, and soon I was left alone to follow the teachings, learning the art of the war, reading and counting, learning to swim and tracking, learning all that I would need while I served.

I finished my training when I turned 16 and was given this mask as a symbol of my success. I was also gifted a name since I was selected at birth, so I was only a number up until then, and that day, I got my name to crown my success. I'm the guardian of the crown and will wear the name of my honor, Custos.

(the mask if someone forgot how it looks)

All was good for the two years after I started to serve until a red-haired wolf girl showed up at the capital with the intent of murdering our king

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All was good for the two years after I started to serve until a red-haired wolf girl showed up at the capital with the intent of murdering our king.

The eldest prince was selected to take care of the intruder for her to dare talk like that. I hadn't doubted his chances, but to everyone's surprise, he was overpowered by the creature thought to be rumors made by war survivors. The second prince and I had to help him walk away from the fight he quickly lost.

What was more surprising was the news the king agreed to the demands of the girl and would fight her to the death. Everyone had gone to prepare for this battle as it was going to be in town.

After all the stalls were cleared out, I was sent to get the girl out of the room she was given to stay in. She didn't look one bit remorseful while we headed out.

It was a more fierce battle than anyone thought it would be, the king being the first to be injured, and it ended with his loss.

After that battle, I helped to carry her back and get her wounds treated. Despite her killing the first king, I served my duty as a guardian extended to all following monarchs, so that meant her too, as she became the new monarch.


I passed a hand in my short blond hair with a sigh, standing outside the council's room door, my blue eyes wandering, waiting for the new ruler to emerge and declare what changes were brought to the laws now that she took over so that I could relay it to the rest of the guard.

The door finally opened, I've been waiting for a while. a servant came out running with stacks of manuscript and sprinted towards the exist, tasked to hang the new law all over town and send messengers out to the smaller cities.

"My queen." I bowed as she came out with a leisurely walk, I don't know what blood flows through her veins but that helps make her this good looking, even the blind would realize that.

"Why won't everyone stop bowing? There's no need for that, stand straight." I rose my head and nodded, straightening back up. 

I followed her as she walked off in a direction.

"If I may ask, what are the changes?" I asked, breaking the silence.


"The laws, what are the changes?"

"Oh I didn't change much, not wanting to uproot people and I don't have any big plans either, just making things a bit more equal for the people." Well that was a surprise to say the least, all rulers shaped the kingdom to their desires and yet she kept them mostly the same and, shockingly, made them more fair.

"And what did change?"

"I don't want the war that took someone special from me to continue, we won't try to conquer the land and keep our land as it is."

"What?!" I cringed inwardly as my exclamation. "I'm sorry my queen I didn't mean to yell at you." I bowed down in shame but I felt a flick on the back of my head making me look up, she was smiling?

"I'm not mad, I know it's in our blood to fight, I am just saying we have a big kingdom, we don't need to fight for more, we will fight if attacked but not go invade the rest."

"Right." I wasn't about to question her choices more then I already did, it wasn't my role and even if it would have been I'd have hesitated with all the rumors already following her and with what I had seen her do.

"I do have a question... Could I see your face? I like to know how people I talk too look, if it isn't too much to ask."

"Right away my queen, it is no big task." I pulled it off, she hummed and nodded with a smile, letting me know I could put it back on with a wave of her hand.

Amata's pov:


Custos's pov:

"A-anyway." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I would want me stuff back, everyone was taken when I was made a prisoner and don't know where they are."

"I'll have someone to go fetch your belongings my queen."

"Thank you."

"Of course my queen."

"... I prefer being called by my name and not 'my queen' so call me that, it's Amata."

"Right my pardon... Amata." What a strange request from a monarch, a strange one indeed... I can tell she's be really different from him and how he ruled over us.

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