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Amata's pov:

"Why are you here again?" This time she seemed annoyed about me being here when it usually was me.

"Well Invisus, a long while ago I had the thought to get to know my inner beast and yeah joke intended as you are a beast and the thing the replaced a normal beast I know so don't dare point it out."

"Okay you went insane." She pinched her nose. "Look, I won't go yelling since truly it's useless but I still need to ask... Why?"

"All I know about you is from that one myth I read oh so long ago in the were village where I had beaten Fortis with a stool, I know nothing so well if you are going to take my body for your own gains we should get a bit familiar."

"You are insane."

"Everyone is a bit but do you seriously tell me that after all that I've already been through?"

"For once I agree with you, you are insane, you will kill this body before I get to it... Anyhow since always as I have nothing better to do I'll answer your questions."

"Well if I remember well your myth had you have a family?"


"Do you remember anything about them?"

"Personal question wolfy but not much, I don't even remember my true name."


"You named me Invisus or have you forgotten?"

"I guess I did."

"Yeah. I don't remember their face, their name, their age, their smile, their hobbies, nothing, those times were long ago and I've been dead for almost as long."

"So you hate my mother for the cruse or bringing you back?" I was sitting on the ground with my legs laid out open in front of me and hands resting on the ground between them.

"The curse, I glorify the gift to come back even if it's in this position."

"She took what you loved with that so you turned insane and now want to kill all her creations."

"As you said everyone is a bit but do you seriously tell me that after all that I've already been through? And of course I will do that, she will feel the wrath she cursed me with, having cursed herself by making you and will be fated to watch me destroy the world with the powers granted to this body."

"So cheery, it would be much easier to forgive and learn, I think that's why she brought you back."

"Don't make me laugh! Haven't you noticed~? You are Beloved and I am Hated, pure opposites even in our names meaning, your destiny is to safe or destroy the world, you are the right I am the wrong... Same side of the same coin that has been flipped to decide the fate of the world and depending on which side it will land on it will cause devastation."

"There is also the slimmest chance it will land and perfectly balance on its side edge, people will say you are crazy to flip the coin over and over to try to get that flip but no one will ever tell you it is truly impossible because there is always a chance."

"And what are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is there doesn't need to be a winner and a looser, you and I, we could work together, you could control me long enough to help me back with Aurum and now you are freer, we could do so much more together."

"Pfffff hahahaha." Well, slightly disappointed, I bit back a remark and listened to her laugh.

"But lets drop that subject, we went far from what I first wanted but you don't remember much which doesn't help... Explain to me a bit more about this shadow powers because for now I just know how to slip in and out of the shadow world."

"Oh yeah I should kill you for those stupidly dangerous things you did."

"Yeah yeah Custos already chewed off my ears about that... Wait what would happen if--" "If I get out what would happen is all will die, you think I would spare her just because you love her? Please for who do you take me fo--" "Back to the shadows before I end up doing something."

"You can't take the truth."


"Fine, don't throw a fit because I do not want to deal with that, heck I'd throw you out of here if I could, I'm happy when you don't visit more then when you do."

"The feeling is mutual."

"Then why are you here?"

"Just get to the shadows before I lose my mind."

"Fine... So you see how your new friend Deus works her flame magic?" I stood up with a nod. "Well explain it and in details,  I know you don't need me the explain ALL of it."

Why do I need to explain shit to everyone?

"Magic courses through elves, demons and angels veins just like blood, there are parts that are somewhat permeable to let the overflow of constantly regenerating magic flow out, those parts are usually the hand for demons that look like us in our two legged form but it does just leave wherever it wants but mostly the hands."

"Go on."

"Tsk... Deus can spark the magic and create flames she then controls as they are from her magic... Why saying all this helped?"

"You numbskull, where the hell do you think your own magic leaves by?"



The was a small awkward silence.

"So that's why they like become black?" I changed to my demon form without feeling the usual drain of powers when it was outside my mind, the red markings on yours cheeks turned black with my hair, my eyes did too and then my feet and hands turned pitch black slowly fading back to your skin tone near the elbows and knees, I also grew two black straight black horns sticking back a bit so I looked really like a demon. "Like, the black limbs are from the magic?"

"Yeah they are, tho it's a bit harder to like cast magic with your feet when you don't know how to cast from your hands."

And so did my little mental training to learn how to use my powers began.

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