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Amata's pov:

I sighed as I laid there, watching the river flow by, having decided to look around the place in my wolf form, what I noticed was shifting was faster than it was when I first did to fight the king, it seems pushing my body to shift daily in that land of fire was worth it in this world too.

I stood up and ran back to my current home, the wind brushing through my black fur as my paws pounded against the ground. I changed back and quickly ran up that stairs and went inside to get my dagger and quiver since I was to be trained today and I had no idea what we would start with so I bring everything I might need with me.

I made my way to the clearing they asked me to be and dropped my stuff on the ground as I sat down on a fallen tree trunk to wait... I mean it's not really a clearing but there are less trees around here than other parts of the forest I've seen.

I let my thoughts go around uncontrolled, I had now the were and elvish kingdoms ready for peace, I only need to convince the rest, if I travel in the same way as we are going now we will come across the vampires which will be a problem since noth...

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I let my thoughts go around uncontrolled, I had now the were and elvish kingdoms ready for peace, I only need to convince the rest, if I travel in the same way as we are going now we will come across the vampires which will be a problem since nothing hates each other more than wolves and vampires, even in our little town in the middle of the continent there was often sparks flying between the two races, lucky that the kingdoms aren't next to each other with the elvish land between them or I'd have a shit tone of problem to even trust Harmonia to remain the pacifist she is, not to talking about the vampires whom I know nothing about.

I passed my tongue on the short fangs I have, not near as long as vampires and my now half braided red hair, I could have passed off as one if only they wouldn't have such sensitive sense of smell... Though I wonder, Invisus said I'd have powers in me unlock and free her more and more despite me not wanting it to happen... I wonder what power each will come, the wolf I have this half-n-half form, I wonder what I'll get for dragon or angel.

"Sorry I was a bit late my mother wanted to speak to me." I turned my head to the side and waved at Aura with a smile.

"I had a hunch it was going to be you... You have an idea where the others are?"

"As my mother decided to have you trained she gave them the same proposition, your Fortis friend has a clear goal so his trainer, Arbor, will train him towards that way and I don't really know for Custos she didn't wanna tell me just walked away." She said sitting next to me.

"Yeah she takes her role of a guardian seriously, way too much at time and get in that mentality."

"Sure..." Even though she didn't sound like she believed me I didn't question her. "Hey before we start what I had in mind I have a few questions that has been bugging me."


"How did you get those diagonal scars on your face?"

"That's when I first shifted to kill the king of the wolves to fulfill my promise I made over my father's tombstone."

"You fought a king that remained in power for around 30 years when you had never shifted before and won?"

"Yeah, he almost had me, he was the one that left the scars, he was much bigger and experienced but I had what dad taught me, he was a soldier before he left for what the wolves call the traitors' den."

"Wow... We call that place the palace of peace."

"That place is a dump, crowded and not really well made, a palace really?"

"Yeah I don't know why, I was born when the war was already going on for a few years and it already existed and had that name but honestly I never cared enough to ask the reason behind it... So these three red almost like whisker markings on your face... When do you take them off?"

"Take them off?"

"Yeah, it's paint no?"

"No, they appeared when I first changed in a half-n-half wolf, there are more markings then but those on my face never left my skin."

"Like a tattoo?"


"Euh... It's when paint is placed under the skin in a design or image and it won't ever come off since it's under your skin, demons, dwarfs and vampires are the people that usually do this kind of things, for us only the high elves, those over two millennia, get a small triangle in each palms of their hands and one on their forehead." I hummed, intrigued.

"And does it hurt to get it done?"

"Yes, from what I heard I know that they dip a thin metal spike in the paint and prick your skin enough for the paint to get under it, it can take up to a whole day for the biggest drawings to be done with multiple people working on it but it can be really pretty... But enough chitchat for now I brought this" she handed me a small leather bound notebook with a glass jar of ink and a feather quill to write with, I raised my eyebrow.

 But enough chitchat for now I brought this" she handed me a small leather bound notebook with a glass jar of ink and a feather quill to write with, I raised my eyebrow

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"From what I know you don't know loads of the ancient Latin tongue; you know a bit more than most but not a lot right?" I nodded

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"From what I know you don't know loads of the ancient Latin tongue; you know a bit more than most but not a lot right?" I nodded. "Well for us elves it's very important and for other races too they might speak the common tongue like everyone does but use Latin in most written forms so we'll start at the basic, the alphabet."


I spent a long long time writing out Latin letters, words, what I already knew and also rules and tricks Aura told me about in the book given to me after a while she told me to put it away and I set them on my weapons.

"I will ask you to try to have it on you and when you have time write down what you can see and try to translate it with the table of letters we made." I nodded. "Now training is almost done for the day, I will ask you to sit here and see and hear, you will do this until I come back and then you'll tell me what you saw and heard." I found it strange but nodded again as she walked away.

I sighed softly and well... Did as told, I looked at the trees' bright green leaves, the luscious green grass under my feet, the sun shining through the leaves, a deer walking passed, I heard the wind blow the leaves around gently, the birds chirps, the river nearby splash. I told Aura all this and more when she came back.

"You failed." I furred my eyebrows. "You didn't see nor hear all, training is done for today, we'll try again tomorrow." I was so confused; my hearing is naturally better than normal were-creatures... How did I fail?

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