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Aura's pov:

I smiled looking out the window, this was perfect.

"Hey?" I asked after a while of me being sure my stalker friends were gone. "Wanna go back to sight seeing or? Because I am wondering what that weird crystal speckled place is." I said pointing at a building that was like a massive block of dark wood with crystals of different sorts just thrown onto it as if done by a toddler.

"Well I guess this village got lazy with their church." Deus said with a shrug. "Trust me it is usually pretty not a block of wood."

"Maybe they spent more on the inside?"

"I wouldn't bet on it but we can check."

"I'd say they did."

"So what you bet?"


"You are ready to bet that they decorated the inside really well, what will you bet on it?"

"Well maybe giving you something."

"Ooooh tell me."

"Nope I gotta win because if I don't it wouldn't be the right timing."

"You dickhead, fine, I bet a sweet ass time in bed with me."

"Good goddess!" My face turned red.

"I win either way so fuck you."

"You mean I was trying to be all nice with my wager and you go all demon with me."

"Let's just see which way I win!"

I sighed and followed her.

I am glad I won or I don't know when the possibility would have showed up again.

It took a few seconds for either of us to react, her in shock that I was right and me because I was admiring the thin and intricate mosaic of the small crystal shards that created drawings across the whole ceiling telling the stories of the seven guides fall.

"You know... This story is real not a simple myth." I said, staring up still. "Somnum was still asleep not long ago."

"Really? Un-fucking-believable... What happened?"

"I had found Amata passed out in the secret garden she was in, hands clasped and impossible to separate, try as I may I couldn't, neither could my mother nor other high priests. and when she awake on her own she had a like thing that was once the key to a book lost to time with words of a promise she made to the sleeping elf."

"Which was?"

"To kill her as she didn't wish her fate anymore."

"Seems all in this world revolves around Amata."

"As long as there is war it will and you know it."

"Well at least because of her I got to meet you."

"Yeah same."

"Sooooo... What's my price?"

"You destroyed the moment we were having."

"We can have many more, I want my new shiny thing."

"You bitch." I chuckled and flipped up the ring between my thumb and pointer finger, it might as well look magic how I got the ring but us elves are masters of the senses with our grasp on them that other races don't have. "I know this isn't your typical sappy proposal while getting down on one knee and saying why I loved you all my life blah blah blah but yours wasn't really sappy either, dropping a ring in my hands... But well I have more class than you so I do this." I put my pointer finger inside the ring and spun it around the tip of my finger while I motioned her to raise her hand and when she did, flicked the ring off my finger and onto hers. "Because I have style~."

"You sure you aren't trying to fuck?"

"... I... Am pretty sure I am not trying to fuck you inside a church of all places." 

"We are like officially together?"

"We already were?"

"Like this shit is mine?!"


"Like mine mine?!!"

"Deus, why are you doubting me now that I have this burst of confidence?!"

"I don't know!!"

"Why are we yelling?!"

"I don't know!!"

I started laughing, this sure wasn't your typical proposal but I guess nothing about us screams normal. People like too make these fancy but this was just perfect for me because it came easily like anything else would.

"It's beautiful." I smiled as her eyes sparkled as she watched the light reflect in the blue gem.

"I think you already heard the story but it was my mother's, given to her by my father and then passed to me to give to the one I love the most... What I left out of the story was the reason why I got it, mother would have worn it to this day if I hadn't met our red haired friend, she told me what I told you but also with a warning to keep in mind that my heart may sway and wait to see where it stops... It seems it hit bullseye on a pretty purple haired demon lady."

 "You have your way with words Aura, that just makes me fall even more."

"Fall if you want, I'll be there to catch you, I'll be your wings even, lifting you so high into the sky you'll see the whole world from up there."

"A true queen speaking, not some princess."

"What can I say? It is in my blood."

"And we are in a church, what do you say... We make this even more official?"

"I like your confidence."

"Thanks, you are oozing it today I am just drinking it up."

"Then shall we? No need for a priest or guest is there?"

"Would be just a hassle."

"I agree so Aura?"


"Will you be my wife?"

"Gladly." This is so casual.

"Feelings echoed."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Again, gladly."

"Preferably with a kiss."

"Wouldn't do it any other way."

I blush slightly thinking back to the kiss but smile as I stared at the birds chasing each other in the bright blue sky. I won't describe the kiss to you, I want to be the only one with Deus to know how it was, I want this memory to only be shared by us and no one else.

"Well... I wonder how you'd react to your little girl being married the way she did... I do wonder what you'd say mother." I chuckled softly, stalking to myself while glancing down at my own ring.

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