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Amata's pov:

Right now I'm lying down on my back on the throne rooms floor and in my human form. Just there breathing a bit hard because of the pain searing, tearing and even stabbing at my body, mostly my joints but even where else. I forced myself to sit up and sort of crawled to the door and out.

No wolf I've known has been forced to shift back and forth as many times as I did in possibly the last month maybe? I lost count of time long ago.
Each time shifting caused me bigger pain then the last one, the problem parts being the joints, those where the most solicited all the time, I'm sure it's not good for myself, one of these days my body will be unable to keep up with the demand... It's pushing my limits to the extreme... I can feel it... Each time I turn it's harder and harder to keep up.

I leaned against the outer gate, closing my eyes, it felt so bad, you know where for example you have a really bad mosquito bite and it itches like hell itself and you want to but you don't touch it, you start thinking about tearing of that limb it itches so bad... Well I want the pain to stop and that's all I have in my head.

I heard the knocks and I hit my head against the door the knock back.

"Selika... I don't think I can keep this up for much longer."

"What do you mean?"

"No person like me did change so much in such a short amount of time continuously... My body is unable to keep up I can feel it... Soon will be the time I can't change back into a wolf... You need to create a false myth and make it spread fast... A myth about a servant of god that was sent to the world as a human... She was gifted a second body, the body of a wolf, to be able to look over the people in secrecy without fire having a want to harm her... Or something like that, the queen NEEDS to suspect it's me... I trust you, I'll hold up the game as long as I can." I coughed. "But it's not long, this really hurts."

"Very well, please hold up, the people starting to believe that the savior came, they start believing in the chance of the council's victory, we are almost there, just a little more."

"Right but I will not be able to give you more info from now on." I told her the daily news since the queen now had me follow her around all the time since I was now 'tamed' in her eyes.

"We have all we need, just keep up the act... There must be a signal when we can attack, we need to take the queen off guard."

"You'll hear a howl or something like that when it's time."

"Alright. Good luck Amata."

"You too." I stayed leaning against the gate for a while before I made my way back.

I picked up the collar and put it on, shifting.

I bit my lip hard as tears rushed to my eyes, I wanted to howl in pain but held it in as I finished shifting and collapsed, shifting back into a wolf was always the most painful and I would always faint after it.


"Skah'la get up, another day ahead of us." I forced my eyes open, the pain having have faded slightly while I was out, I was so out of it that I even succeeded in enjoying the queen petting my head. I sat up a bit. "Good girl, today someone said to be part of the council of men that is against me will be brought in, I wish to see what fear he'd have in his eyes knowing I have a beast along my side." Well that was not good.

The day went, people came to visit the queen and left but loads of the village were gathered in here, the queen having have called the people to show them what happened to traitors. I heard people muttering about a person or animal that couldn't be hurt by fire, Selika works fast but it helps that the people know the legend I fit in with Aurum so more people would believe her story and even if they didn't they would spread it to help the savior.

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