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Amata's pov:

I opened my eyes at that voice, opened my eyes to a world I had never seen.

The place was filled with colours that had no names and objects that had no form but I wasn't perturbed, as if I knew all of this already. I touched one of the numerous and yet missing objects, to my dismay it took a form I was familiar with, a red apple.

"You cannot understand this world; all will take up a familiar form to what you know off." I heard the disembodied voice of a woman say again. I let go of the apple and it was gone, back to its shapeless form and its nameless color.

Few of the forms had colors I knew the name of and some had shapes I knew off, other things were just ideas floating in the air, taking form as I thought of them or somehow an unknown word drifted through my mind like a breeze bringing with it a meaning I just couldn't understand, those words entered and left my mind as if they never existed, unable to remember them once they left but knowing I had known something... Like right now the word is 'Nuclear'... And now I don't even know what I was thinking about and only know that I had been thinking of something.

I walked through the place to a... A... A what? This world is too much for me to understand while somehow knowing enough about anything to feel calm and at peace.

I touched the object, oh yeah it was a door, I opened it and was greeted with a place that was just black, blacker then my wolf fur, you must understand if you have forgotten, my fur is blacker then any possible black... And this black was even darker than before.

The door closed and as I looked around I was just surrounded with this suffocating darkness, I sunk to my knees and hands, trying to breath but it was so heavy.

I felt a touch and I kid you not I thought I went blind for a second, the black changed to the whitest of whites in the blink of an eye which shocked me. I saw a hand in my vision and grasped it as I was pulled up to my feet as I continued staring down as I quickly let go.

"Why won't you meet my eyes?"

"I don't want to break the image I have, what if I can't understand you either, I don't want to see a lie." I said, taking a deep shaky breath.

"You might not understand the world but you'll understand my form and colors as I am the same in every world just like you are, same flesh and blood always understands each other, no matter if they never laid eyes on each other, soul will always know and understand." I felt a now familiar cold but smooth touch on my face, a finger under my chin as it tilted my head up.

I know this may sound disgusting but I just fell head over heels for the woman I knew to be my mother, you might be like 'what the fuck Amata?!' but people... This is the goddess of THE world we are talking about, the most perfect being in the world, in the multiple worlds there are... I didn't feel the same love as towards Custos and Aura but it was something I could consider as love if you get me... Well if you wish maybe it's a type of love that a child feels for their parents but a whole load more exaggerated... GAH!!! I don't know how to explain this!!!

I understood what she meant by being able to see her for who she is but I'd be unable to put it in words someone would understand, she was just the perfect being, I know dad only saw her the way he could see her but I could see everything and goddess this is above everything, even her clothes can't be explained, as if even those were part of who she was and who I needed to see her as.

"Close your mouth dear, you'll catch a fly." I slammed my jaw shut with still wide eyes as I stood there frozen, trying to take in this godly being that was my mother, she was by far standing over how I thought she would be like... She's simply just... Perfect... Even better than perfect... Even better... Suddenly tears filled my eyes as my shoulders rode up as they shook, I bit my lower lip before just throwing myself at her and holding her in a tight hug, hiding my face in the crook of her neck as the tears spilled over, I never thought I'd feel this way if I ever had the chance of meeting her and now that I had the chance I was confused to the core. I felt those cold, gentle and smooth hands I've felt before give my hug back, even the hug was perfect, everything she did was perfect, every little thing.

.The Child Of A Goddess.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora