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Amata's pov:

I sighed to myself while exploring the castle.

I still had the elvish whistle so blowing it brought the eagle to me, I am sure this eagle is more than a simple bird, it has such knowledge in his eyes and if speaking in Latin he will understand as I had asked him to fly over with the peace letter and he did so but still wasn't back and he was the fastest as I remember.

Days here were boring, nothing to do really.

I had stopped at the castle's library but got bored of reading soon leading me to now.

At least it helped Aura and Deus sort out what was going on between them, no more awkwardness filling the air whenever they were in the same room.

I had also visited the training room, the baths and even the garden's of the castle but soon got disinterested with most.

"I am bored mother-" I whispered with my hands hanging by my side as I stared up at the sky through the colored windows.

I felt her familiar cold ghostly presence and let her lead me where she wanted me to go.

I ended up in the tallest tower of the castle, the aviary, where several eagles and pigeons waited to be sent out with messages.

"He'll be back soon?" I asked her as I put my hands in my pockets, waiting with my back against the wall and staring out the glassless windows.

I didn't need to wait much longer, hearing flaps of wings and a bird cry as the eagle flew in and landed on a perch.

"I should really name you and not just call you eagle huh? Or do you already have one people neglected telling me?" I said as I walked over to the bird, picking out a piece small fish from a feeding bucket and threw it to him, he swallowed it whole and just looked at me.

"I'll call you Aquila is that alright? Way better than calling you bird, now let me see this message."

I unfolded the parchment and frowned with furred eyebrows, a few simple words conveyed the message clearly.

'Eternal war to the demons and all.'

I sighed, irritated by this answer as I passed my hand through my hair.

'What did you expect? Not all races have something in their head.'

'Prideful bastard.'

'I guess you will head over with your little gang.'

'What else can I do really? This war must end and if I can I would avoid needing to call my allies to war again like with the vampires.'

'But maybe it would be easier.'

'It would just create more hate.'

'Sometimes it can't be avoided.'

'But I will try.'

'Naive child.'

I snorted softly and rolled my eyes as I pocketed the letter.

"You can rest and head home, I will call you if needed my friend." I said, ruffling the feather's on Aquila's puffed out chest and stepped back as he flapped his wings and took off towards his home with the elves.

I made my way down the spiraling stairs and when I was about to step off, arriving to my level, a cold breeze stopped me, tugging my hand to follow its lead down deeper.

"What do you want to show me mother?" I whispered, almost skipping down the stairs in hurry.

Soon my only light source were the fire crystals scattered around the walls, the stairs covered in a thick dust layer off to the walls but the middle of them had a thinner layer meaning they were still in use.

The steps became uneven and I almost fell after not noticing half a step was missing but caught myself with a stumble.

I arrived down on solid, non-steps, ground after a while and plucked a crystal in the shape of a torch out of the wall as I walked down the dark hallway.

This darkness was almost the same as in the throne room, swallowing most of the light the crystal cast on the dark stone.

I shivered, the dungeons... Of course, how did I forget these existed in all castles?

To my relief and horror most cells were empty, why horror you may ask? They were empty of life but not what once was alive, from some I smelled rotting flesh while in others were piles of bones, others were covered in marks scratched into the stone to mark the days and others had blood on the walls in gory drawings.

My feet stalled before I started running, having heard a sound I heard oh so many times, a cracking of a whip.

I winced as somehow the mere sound brought stinging to my old scars on my back but I pushed it aside.

I slide across a corner, almost bouncing off the opposite wall.

"STOP!!!" I yelled, latching on the arm of a dragon masked guard. "Stop, I take responsibility for any backlash your queen might think off but drop that and back out of this cell... Now!" I said coldly while my red markings spread over my body, shining as bright as flames, ignoring the magical darkness covering the place. "Do it or I shall curse your existence and you'll suffer longer than my lifetime and trust me, a elf will die of old age before I do."

Despite the mask and whatever training a guard must receive here, I knew I spooked him bad from the look he had in his eyes when they met my blazing ones, knowing I wasn't joking.

I watched him walk away with a 'trying to seem confident' glare before the crystal escaped my hands and I quickly focused on the person in front of me.

I choked on my breath as a memory zapped through my head from me, way back in the land of fire, tied up with my arms and legs apart in front of the people waiting for my whipping for disrespecting the queen, in front of the vampire queen before I was bitten.

This... Boy's pose was the same, legs chained to the ground, arms pulled apart and chained to the wall... And his once feathered white wings, now feathers torn and white being stained red, tightly chained and spread out in an odd angle.

"It's a kid, fuck." I breathed, quickly making my way over and grabbed his face in my hands and tilted him head up to look at me, he had short golden curly locks and distant looking golden eyes, blood smeared on his face and only wearing thin dirty pants.

He looked no older than me, heck even much younger and my heart broke for this little angle boy and what he must have suffered through.

"H-help..." He weakly said.

"Hey dear, it's fine now, you're fine now, they won't hurt you no more." I whispered, eyes shifting to the chains and glaring at them.

I sighed and turned on my vampiric powers making the marks glow purple.

"Sorry for this." I whispered despite his being unconscious now and licked his cheek, not feeling good about any other body part to do this, and swallowed the blood. "I really don't like this aspect of this power." I muttered, feeling my strength grown as the glow became brighter and I grabbed the chains, they were rusty so they all snapped quite easily under my pull.

I carefully gathered his body in my arms and left this horrid place, I sighed at what Custos would say noticing my cargo.

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