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Amata's pov:

I sighed, being unable to sleep at night, thoughts plaguing my mind.

Yeah we said no one would die... But what if... There is always a what if and it scares me the more I think about it, anything unexpected could happen that could lead to something undesirable, a server injury or even well death.

I shook away the thoughts as I closed my eyes, trying to force my thoughts away but failed so I just went to the place I know I would feel calm, the temple in my mind.

"Hey, back earlier then I thought I would be."

"I see that idiot."

"No need to be mean Invisus."

"You seriously said that to me?"

"Point taken but anyhow, what do you think about this?"

"It's highly probable, even inevitable someone will be hurt, death isn't such a certainty but look at yourself, look at the others, all bear scares from this journey. To list a few, you the claw marks on your face, Custos the bite marks of the hellish dog demon, Aura with the loss of her ears, Fortis the loss of his eye to the demon bird swarm, Dea the chipped scales in her demon form from inside the cave fights and Deus the burns on her hands by overusing her powers to fry the demon bird swarm. All the group has had an injury in this quest of yours so why wouldn't other injuries arrive? You think you can finish this all pacifist?"

"I don't, I learned early on with the vampires that not every ruler will agree to this. Were king I didn't ask I wanted to kill him, Harmonia of course wants peace, elves agreed, vampires lost a war I declared... I do not think it will be easier but I do hope I don't need another war, I still have the whistle to call to me a messenger eagle of the elves to me but I sure hope I won't need to use it."

"People will get hurt."

"I know I know I just... I don't want them to BE hurt."

"You care to much about this stupid world."

"What else could I do? I exist for the single purpose of bringing peace."

"Or destroying all there is."

"That's your goal not mine." I walked in circle around the big dome we were in, looking up at where the glowing lines of color led and at the broken chains that laid forever unmoving in this place now that they held nothing, I stopped at one of the still holding chains and looked at the symbol it had. "What do you think this would be?"


"The dragon seal. We talked about angel and dwarf and what possible powers they would come with from the least good to the best ones but what about the dragon one? We met like two adult dragons one being Aurum and the other asleep until peace comes and dragons can return, they are so many and even more eggs, I am to raise two dragons, Viridi and Frigus... If it was something easy I would have long unlocked its power yet it lies in chains and asleep."

"How would I know? I only gained the knowledge your fucking mother granted me to be able to explain what power can do what, to guide you, just like for angel and dwarf I can just speculate until it happens... But truly here, I'm at a loss too, I don't know enough of dragons to be able to tell... Fire breath? Protective scales? Able to hibernate? I do not know why it isn't unlocked."

"Maybe it has something with what Aurum asked of me? That one question? The one I still can't answer."

"That might be the answer but such question is for you alone to answer."

"I know this, I am just wondering..."

"I am too."

"Well since I feel calm here and you know stuff lets continue with the training, I need to get a grasp on the shadows if you want me to stop risking this body."

"You seriously need to stop doing that."

I laughed as she like glared at me but I just smiled back, despite it all I am always happy you are by my side Invisus.

.The Child Of A Goddess.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt