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Amata's pov:

"Back alive I see." I heard while blinking away and looking around, oh yeah I know this place.

"Happy I lived." I coughed and groaned in pain as I tried to sit up.

"You should remain resting." I heard a gruff deep voice as a big hand rested on my shoulder and push me down, looking back my eyes widened and I almost screamed in fright.

" I heard a gruff deep voice as a big hand rested on my shoulder and push me down, looking back my eyes widened and I almost screamed in fright

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"You don't need to fear him he's friendly." Fortis said. "He helped us."

"Ah... Okay, it's just a bit much waking up to... Not meaning to be rude but, to a demon that looks like this."

"No offence taken." The demon said. "I'm called Lapis."

"Amata and I guess you already met Fortis here." I pointed at him. "Where are my dragons?"

"They are asleep don't worry."


"So what's the new power? There were signs of it as you explained it."

"That monster that attacked us was a shadow man, I'll explain in more details later but since one almost killed me I almost became one of them but since I remained alive that became part of my powers instead... What features changed?"

"Well the most obvious were the red markings on your cheeks turned black with your hair, your eyes did too and then your feet and hands turned pitch black slowly fading back to your skin tone near the elbows and knees, as if you had gloves and socks, you also grew two black straight black horns sticking back a bit." I nodded and looked at the demon.

"What do you know about shadow people?"


"Then you know of what consist my powers and how they work, how can I track one?"

"A shadow person travels through the shadow realm between shadows, it is like tracking any other person but more dangerous, I assume you know what can happen in the shadow realm?"

"I do... Can I bring someone with me?"

"Yes but said person cannot let go of you or they will be lost to the darkness and become one of the people."

"Hey hey remain laying." I shoved Fortis' hand away from me as I sat up.

"We need to get the girls, the shadow person promised to me they will suffer while I die knowing that I caused that and that I can't help them... How long was I out?"

"Four days if we don't count your minute awake a day ago."

"Then that left the shadow man's master enough time to already hurt the girls."

"But Am--" "No buts! We will be going tomorrow at the first light of dawn!"

Custos' pov:

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