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Amata's pov:

The road to the elvish village was long, it had taken all day so stopping was a welcome. the architecture was similar but visibly different, a bit darker and more detailed.

I had once shoved Fortis out of the cart because he was trying to touch my egg, good goddess I went into mother hen mode with this egg that is my little chick that needs protection despite knowing the egg would hardly be hurt if thrown of a mountain, the hatching would be kept safe by the egg, just a bit shaken up but nothing bad, the only thing that could 'kill' an egg was cold... All those stone eggs... They were left abandoned for years, an egg will keep warm for some time, a day or two before the cold becomes a danger to the baby inside of it and if left unattended the egg will soon turn to stone and the baby will die on the inside of the egg...

That thought only made me tighten my hug around the egg, I'm not as warm as a dragon could be but I have the strongest fire crystal to help out when night time came, in the day it was all good. I secured the cloth around it and put it in my bag next to the crystal before hopping of the cart with the others and watching the cart being pulled away by the white horse in front of it back towards where we came from.

I sighed as we walked into the inn, don't get me wrong I like elves and such but their food oh my goddess, there is so little meat and I didn't want to hunt while they let us stay there so I went with it but we are a race that likes their meats so I'm tiny bit happy that we'll go on to meatier food places because I'm getting done with these green foods.

"Took you long enough." I snapped my head up at that voice and looked up to the roof of the inn.


"Yo." She hopped down. "Thought you got off track or something."

"And I thought you left."

"I did technically leave since I wasn't there."

"You get what I mean."

"Yeah yeah I know... Look... I still feel like I should in some parts deep inside but I don't want you or the two others to go around alone in unknown parts of our world... I technically left as I said before but it's more like I left to tag along with you guys."

Custos' pov:

Well... I wasn't happy...

I sat at the inn's counter with a pint of beer, head resting on my hand as I watched Aura chat with Amata a few seats away. I really wasn't happy she was back from the discussion we had in the library.

I looked away with a sigh, the inn keeper looked a bit scared of me but it's not my fault my neutral face is a resting bitch face, is my training and personality that made it like that... My training... Don't get me wrong I would never go back and change it if I could, yeah I'd have liked the meet my parents, I'd have liked to not have this scar, to have had what others call a normal childhood but I wouldn't give up this for those... Though one thing I wish I had learned... How to deal and act with this emotion.

I felt a bit insulted when my parting gift from the queen was a book on how love and relationships work but unfortunately since I realized what this feeling I though was sickness really is I knew I couldn't discard this book as it knew more on the subject then I even did before. it wasn't a big book, thinner then Amata's notebook but it still had loads of info packed in it, I was trying to read that to keep my mind off Aura's flirty jokes and remarks while trying to also ignore the knowing mocking looks Fortis sent me, I will make him rest six feet underground if he doesn't stop soon.

After I finished my beer and the few free snacks set on the counter top that were grapes and crackers, I got up and went to the room given to me, I needed some sleep because I feel like my training in patience will not last long with our new elvish 'friend' thrown in the mix.

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