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Amata's pov:

I was out of the dress and finally back in other clothes given to us, woven how our usual clothes were but in a much softer and smoother textile, heck my brown shorts even had pockets which is not something I had on my clothing normally, this new dark green T-shirt was also the best, it had a hood woven into it and get this, there is these small string piece you can pull to close the opening more. (I have a similar one but in white)

I had chosen this T-shirt because it was more practical then my short cape, I gave it to someone to use it as it would serve me no purpose

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I had chosen this T-shirt because it was more practical then my short cape, I gave it to someone to use it as it would serve me no purpose.

Right now I'm sitting on the wooden railing in the hanging tree house I have, even at this height I couldn't see the sky with the dense leaves but I could easily see the orange and red light of the sun that was passing through, I had one of my legs up on the railing and my arm resting on it, the other resting on the ground.

Right now I had my hair un-braided because it was getting night time and I had washed my hair, I had only seen fire crystals in my life time so to tell you that elves used nature and water crystals was a bit foreign for me for obvious reasons, the nature crystals I don't know how they work but for the water ones, you hold them in your hands and blow hot breath on them before placing your hands over the thing you want to fill and water will just... Appear out of nowhere and run as long as both your hands are touching the crystal... Mindbogglingly right?

I sighed, even if I tried distracting myself with all these thoughts, my mind always went back to her... Somnum... After I had killed her I was told her body was placed in a hollow tree before with their magic, the elves had the tree close itself.

Only then was I permitted to turn back because the body wasn't to be seen by me.

I wish I didn't have to kill her.

I tightened my hold on the key she had given me, it was in my arm resting on my leg and my hand was slightly shaking, this was the first time I felt like this about a death since the lose of my father, so guilty... As I was to blame for both,if I hadn't have ran of and remained stuck in place my father wouldn't be up there with my true parent and if I hadn't brought down my dagger she'd be here.

That's where the death's take different weights.

Dad died to keep me safe, he wanted to live and guide me, he was the rock in my life.

While Somnum? I didn't know her, I only talk to her once but she was suffering and wanted death... I had never met such a person that suffered such, not even Invisus was sentenced to this punishment as she had died like the rest of the guides but Somnum was stuck in the land of dreams forever, unable to pass on and be freed, then I came along and this happened... The oldest person alive, one of the first and purest creations of my mother, died at the end of my blade.

I know she wanted this but it doesn't help the guilt, she didn't deserve any of what happened to her, that mistake happened millenniums before my time came people change, adapt and evolve in their mentality and yet her punishment remained standing... She deserved none of this... I helped... I did as she wished... I freed her from her suffering... And yet the guilt...

"What are you doing up so late? You even missed the evening meal." I looked to my side, snapping out of my thoughts and seeing Aura, one hand stuck in a crevice in the tree trunk with her feet against the trunk but all her weight held by her hand despite it looking really easy for her, elves aren't really heavy after all, I think I'm around her weight.

"Thinking." I said truthfully as I looked away from her, noticing the orange and red light was gone, replaced by the blues and blacks of the night, fireflies, loads of them, flying in between trees with the nature crystals against and in the trees softly glowing, they had so many utilization it amazed me.

"Can I get on?"


Aura's pov:

I pulled myself up and grabbed the railing with my free arm before letting go of the tree and climbing over on to the balcony.

I just lean up against the tree trunk with my hands behind my back as I bend on of my knees and put my foot against the trunk, staring of in the same direction as Amata does.

I always liked the forests, it's so calm, sometimes it seems like there is nothing but trees around you but you need to open your eyes and see, listen and head, inhale and smell to see it's not like that at all but most creatures of our worlds are blind to all of it.

I missed this place I admit but I shouldn't have even come back and it was never my plan to even try to come back after the accident...

I turned my eyes to Amata, I had never thought that in my life I would met someone like her, a child of the all mother, it was something unheard off... Well all that happens around her is unheard off.

I said nothing even if I know she felt guilty, heck I exactly knew how it felt, people telling you you did what you could or that you did what was for the best... Those sentences came from similar forms of guilt, one is failing to do something and the other is doing something...

At such a young age she was already wearing the weight of the world on her shoulders, she had Fortis and blond-y to help her but she would always carry most of it as it was her destiny not theirs.

This Custos girl and I aren't really... What's the word?... Hmmm... Compatible? That will do... I can't just be around her friend without her wanting to push me aside... I really don't like when she behaves like that.

I sighed and put my arm over Amata's shoulder and half hugged her.

"It'll be alright, it was her wish after all." I said softly, she laid her hand over my arm but didn't answer but I wasn't going to push her to answer me, I wouldn't want someone to push me either so I just turned my eyes away, both of us staring of in the forest plunged into the night.

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