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Amata's pov:

I got on my knees, glancing at where my bow was laying and up at the angel as two landed and ran at me, both with swords.

I got on my knees, glancing at where my bow was laying and up at the angel as two landed and ran at me, both with swords

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I looked at them and jumped forwards.

I crouched under a blade as it swung over my head and thrusted my palm into their stomach to send them tumbling while I elbowed the back of the knee of the other and while crouching still grabbed around their neck, fingers gripping the from, slammed the back of their head into the ground, not even a helmet could save them from this.

I grabbed their blade and felt heat through my glove which surprised me and still stabbed them through the chest and spear threw it at the other who was getting up.

I did a roll towards my bow without my consent to notice another angel almost striking me.

'you're welcome.'

I smirked a bit, picking up my bow and unloading as many  arrows in the flying angels as I could, damn I wish I could fly!

Luck didn't shine on me as a flat side of a war hammer met my side and sending me away.

I held my side tightly with my mouth gaping, gasping for air.

Before I could react my body reached for my daggers and brought them up over my head to clash with the hammer before letting go of one of them to grab the head of it as I bite down on the handle of my falling weapon and my arm slashed at the legs.

'Concentrate dammit, we can't die like this!'

My own red markings flowed down my body to replace Invisus' ones as I growled and slammed the dagger into their hip and following them as they fell, spit out the second into my newly freed hand and stabbed their chest.

I gathered both of my daggers and ran passed an angel, cutting their neck open and shoving another away from Timor who was just terrified on the ground, standing in front of him.

"Grab the dragons and run!" I spat at him while locking blades with another angel.


"Take the dragons and run!! They will keep you safe!! Go!! Run!!"

Took him a few seconds to obey, Viridi already on his tail with Frigus in his maw, they are really intelligent little dragons, not stubborn like I would be and insisting to fight on.

I broke the angel's neck and sprinted forth, taking two steps up the side of a tree and launching myself at a floating enemy and bringing them down to the ground with my weight while tearing out feather to help the fall.
I stabbed them in the guts and after a second of hesitation, licked off my blade and soon purple was what my markings were glowing.

"Such a monster! I'll take care of her myself!"

I flipped my hold on my left dagger so the blade was pointed alongside my forearm and blocked the angel's strike, I guess he is the general or some shit.

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