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Amata's pov:

My hate was burning brighter than the brightest flame in the night sky, my hate was what kept me from giving up, I will gladly rip that gem out from her chest when time comes and I do think time has come. my back had partially healed by now, still some of the deepest wounds still open, my arms and legs were fine now.

The man had told the queen that his elder mother was living her last hours and he wished to spend them with her, I don't know how much was a lie but the queen let him go, when came back I could tell from his eyes he had accomplished his mission... Now it's my turn. I've been slowly doing little things to annoy the queen, ready to make her snap.

"Come sit here!" She instructed for the third time.

"I don't wanna sit by you, you maniac." I hissed back and I think that was the last drop in the glass.

"You ungrateful swine!" She gripped my throat tightly, cutting my air way and picking me up from the ground. I kicked her and fell on my butt before getting up with a cough.

"How dare you?! I don't care if you are the child of a god!! I will have you executed by hanging in three days!! Guards!! You'll have no food or water since you insist on being such an animal bitch." I was dragged away, three days? Good two weeks would have passed by then I just need an idea of how to get myself out from dying after I gave the signal.

I was thrown in a cell and what she said happened, no food nor water came so I had no idea of the passing of time. I laid on my side, staring at the wall with tears rolling down my face as I sob, everything is going to lead to finally bringing the queen down but I'm scared of dying, how will I do with the noose around my neck, I'm so scared... I had hoped for another lashing but I might have gone too far but it's too late to go back now. I closed my eyes, the darkness still there but still trying to shut it out as I hiccuped.

Oh mother you are the only one I call ask for help, everyone else is gone but you, I know you exist in this world too, you created everything and everyone, please help me, I'm scared, I don't wanna die, I'm so alone and scared.

I snapped my eyes open and sat up in fright when I felt a hand pass through my hair but no one was here from what I could manage to see. I pressed my back against the wall in the corner. I hugged my knees to my chest with one arm and put the second on my head with a small smile, my body, my mind, my whole being knew it was the goddess, it just was like crystal clear with no other options.

I closed the eyes, only one small touch was enough to calm me slightly, even with that one cold touch I somehow felt all the love she had for all that she made, a deep motherly love.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and I was forced to the ground on my stomach, my hands tied in my back. I was shaking as they lead me out, truly scared.

I was quietly whispering a pray for my mother as I saw the wooden post where the noose was attached too... I had once said I'd never call the moon goddess my mother and I only had a dad... But I think my heart shifted and accepted that she was my mother. It brought me a little comfort to see the peasants, each had an expression they didn't have the first time they saw my lashing, they all knew what was too come and were ready to fight.

I was lead up there and took a shaky breath, I have one chance at this, I knew how I may get out of this but I need to be precise and time it correctly or when the trap door opens I will fall, have the noose wrap tightly around my neck and snap it in half.

"Any last words you miserable animal?" The queen asked from the place she was at, far from me and near the castle door but I still clearly heard her voice.

"I would have one." I looked up at her as the noose was put around my neck, I bent my legs slightly to already put my chin against the very bottom of the hook.

"Let's hear your pathetic last word~." I took a deep breath and looked at the people, they were all already warned, I looked back at the queen with a glare.

"NOW!!!" I yelled and a barrage of flames headed for the guards and the queen, they did riposte but surprise made them a bit at a disadvantage despite their numbers.

I felt the ground give out underneath my feet and I snapped my head backwards. that small preparation and fast enough movement was enough for the noose to tighten under my chin and the top of my head and not my throat. I tried somehow freeing me, feeling the rope slipping and it would soon by around my neck if I don't free myself.
I coughed and my eyes filled with terror as it did just that but since I was already hanging it started chocking me instead of snapping my neck but after a what seemed an excruciatingly long time for me, a jet of flame burned away the rope's attach point and I fell to the ground, in the hole that was left under my feet.

"Are you alright?!" I looked up with a smile at Selika and she beamed at me as she and two other men pulled me out of the hole and pulled the rope away from my arms and neck, I'm sure there is a mark there now.

"Thank you." I hugged her and she patted my back gently.

"It's all thanks to you we got here."

"Right." I stood up and looked at the battle field in the castle court, knifes, swords, pitchforks and loads of flames. "I will go after the queen you concentrate on these people."

"Got it... Don't die now."

"I don't plan too."

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