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(forgot to post a claim pic of the throne room)

(forgot to post a claim pic of the throne room)

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Amata's pov:

After I changed back things changed slightly, now during the day I would be made to be in my hybrid form and sit right in front of the queen to show her power over mythical beast as I made her believe I was.

I would sleep in a room now not the throne room since I wasn't an animal. she also had a human size collar on me, I knew it would either break as I shift or strangle me so I didn't change or even try too to test my theory.
My body was less sore with only the pain remaining in the parts that changed in my half form so ends of my fingers and toe, base of my back, ears and my fangs, it was much better then what I felt when I needed to change from a human to a wolf all day err day.

My thoughts would usually remain on trying to find the second to strike or go over to Custos and Fortis... I've been here for over a month, I hope they are alright, I want to know what's going on there but I can't, not until I get that fire crystal. Now it was yet again one of those days the doors of the castle were open to let people come in a talk to the queen.

I was sitting in front of her on the ground for a while before she had pulled me up and pushed away a woman of her harem to let me... More like force me to sit on the armrest, I was leaning up against the throne with one of my legs on the ground and the other bent and up against my chest with my arm on the same side resting on it, I didn't like her wandering hands but what could I do? What? At least only four of her usual harem were around instead of the ten so it was less of a shame for me. Her arm was right now over my bent leg and tracing motifs on the inside of my thigh while I did my best to not look.


"Yes my queen?" I answered, looking at her while I tilted my head a little with a neutral look, playing up the uncaring aspect of it.

"Yes my queen?" I answered, looking at her while I tilted my head a little with a neutral look, playing up the uncaring aspect of it

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"Help my men get out more of those pesky water users, they refuse to listen to them."

"Yes my queen." I stood up and walked off.

She was expecting corporal punishment but I won't.


I walked down the spiraling stairs to the basement place. It was a big room through which the river flow out to the village and the few water mages she had here were supposed to constantly deviate most of the water for the queen herself, also most of her harem was here too when they weren't needed.

"What's going on here?" I growled, my tail wagging left and right with an angry look on my face.

"These men refuse to follow our queen's orders!" A guard said while punching one of the water mages who already had a bruise face.

"Leave!" I demanded

"Bu--" "Leave! Our queen asked me to take care of this by myself understood?!"

"Yes Skah'la, right away Skah'la!" They marched away and I let my cold expression fade after they left.

"Are you alright?" I helped him sit up but he backed away in fear, everyone just watching. "I mean no harm."

"All that work for the queen are monsters!" He said.

"I know but I need to." If I tell him the truth this might be easier to solve. "I was sent here to help you take her down by your god, Aurum, I need you to believe me, soon there while be a riot to free you all from her when I give the signal and if any of you tells on me I will deny the claims, I'm on your side but I need to do this for the greater good... so I'll ask you to go back to work and hold out until time is right." He looked at me before giving me a confident look and turning back to the water. "Who here is the most robust and has family outside these walls?"

"I am." One man with brown short hair from the harem said, only being allowed to wear something barely covered him. No one contradicted him so he must be telling the truth.

"I will come down here again one night and give you a message to bring over outside the wall to someone named Po or Selika, it will be important and it will decide our fate, you will need to think of how you'll get out when I gave it to you, I trust you, you will all soon be free." I left after ushering the rest of the mages back to work.

"They will listen from now on my queen or I promised my father's flames to rain down upon them." I told her, taking back my previous seat and her doing the same as before.

"Good work Skah'la, I wish for you up in my chambers after browning hits." Browning was what they called night, because the light coming from the sky was brownish instead of orange but I explained this before.

"Of course my queen."


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